Super safe

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I heard my alarm go off I stretched over to turn it off.

"Turn it off!" turned around startled, I had completely forgotten Suga was here.

OMG! And my mom is going to be here any minute now. I got up and pushed Suga off the bed.

"Wtf! What are you doing?" He yelled at me from the floor.

"Get your stuff and get out, my mom is going to be here any minute now. GO!" he slowly got up.

"So what if she gets here?"

"What do you mean? She can't know that you are here."

"And why not?"

"Well because I didn't ask for permission for you to be here and she is going to get the wrong idea. Now leave please. I'll see you at school." He jumped on the bed.

"Nah... I don't feel like leaving." He wants me to get in trouble doesn't he? "I can just stay here and leave with you, I'll just hide." I looked out the window and saw my mom's car pull up.

"You can't my mom drives me to school."

"Well tell her you want to walk to school today. I'll just out the window and go with you." I thought about it for a while.

"OK but you need to hide because my mom is going to come in her." I looked around." Go hide in the closet." He slowly got up and walked to the closet. I closed the closet doors "Don't make any noise and don't come out until I tell you to."

I went to the restroom, brushed my teeth and cleaned my face.

"Jimin? Are you up?" damn my mom walks fast. I walked out the restroom.

"Yeah mom, I just got up, I was about to change."

"Let me get your clothes out the closet then." Fuck!

"NO MOM...its ok I can get them myself, I am a big boy now."

"I know you are a big boy Jimin, but you are still my baby, I hadn't seen you in so long, my baby was gone for the longest, you know I missed you." She kissed me on the cheek.

"I know mom I missed you too."

"I want to take care of you Jimin so let me. I worry about you Jimin, even more after what that man did to you, it was..."

"Mom...let's not talk about that... How about you go and make me some breakfast how does that sound."

"Alright Jimin, I'll bring it up when it's ready."

"Thank you mom."

She turned to leave but turned back around. "If you need to talk to anyone just remember I am here for you ok Jimin. I love you." She left the room.

My mom really cared for me and I was thankful for that but I couldn't bring myself to tell about Seungjae.

"Can I come out now?" oh shit I had forgotten about him.

"Yeah sorry, you can come out now."

He stepped out. "Your mom seems nice."

"She is super nice."

"You are her baby Jimin so take good care of her." He sat on my bed

"Shut up Suga." He laughed

I changed into my uniform, then I heard a knock on the door. FUCK.

"Jimin I am coming in." she opened the door.

Yoongi dropped to the floor and rolled under the bed.

"Here is your breakfast." I ran over to her, and got the tray. "Eat fast Jimin because I have to drive you to school."

"Oh mom, can I walk to school today?"

"Walk? Why do you want to walk when I can drive you?"

"I just want some time to think, and you have to go to sleep mom aren't you tired from working? You should get some rest." She studied me for a while.

"Alright Jimin if that's what you want. You can walk to school but be safe ok look both ways when you cross the street." She patted my hair "I am going to go to sleep then." She turned and left.

I put my tray on the desk and looked under the bed. "You can come out."

He rolled out "That was close." He smiled and took a piece of bread form my tray.

We ate and got ready to leave for school.

I was going to walk to school with my boyfriend.

Don't worry mom I am going to be safe.

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