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I arrived at school the next day.
What should I do? What if I go to class and Suga is there? He probably won't be so I will go hang out with Taehyung.
I walked into the class and found Taehyung in there. Good.
"Jiminie!! You're here! Why didn't you go to Jungkook's house yesterday? I missed you." He got up and hugged me tight, I hugged him back.
"Sorry Taehyung I just wasn't feeling well." He pulled back a little.
"Are you feeling ok today?"
"Yeah I am ok." I stepped away from him and went to my desk. He followed.
"Jiminie, did you talk to Yoongi?" I pulled out my seat, and sat down. For some reason Taehyung thought it was Ok for him to sit on my lap.
I blushed a little "Yeah we talked." His eyes widened.
"So you remember who he is now? You know now right?"
"Why didn't you tell me anything if you knew Taehyung?"
"Because Yoongi told me not to say anything and because Yoongi was the one that was supposed to tell you not me" he looked me in the eyes "But it's good that you two talked and got everything out."
"I guess that is good, we won't have any more problems right?"
"Jiminie, Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Did you and Yoongi ever have anything or have something right now?" I looked up at him
"No Taehyung we didn't have anything the last time we saw each other we were 9 and we don't have anything going on right now, up until yesterday I thought he hated me." he gave me a wicked grin.
"So is it ok if I do this."
He leaned his head down and kissed me on the lips. He sat there on my lap kissing me.

Jungkook POV
I was in the cafeteria with Seokjin and Namjoon hyung. I was uncomfortable. They were getting all cuddly with each other so I decided to leave. Jimin should be in class by now. I smiled at the thought.
I got to class and opened the door, I looked over to Jimin's seat. I stepped out the class and ran to the restroom, with tears rolling down my checks. 
Taehyung was in Jimin's lap and they were kissing.
Did Taehyung and Jimin have something? Why didn't they tell me?
I got to the restroom and went to one of the stalls and locked the door. I felt so hurt.
"Jungkookie? Are you in here?" It was Yoongi hyung. Should I ignore him?
"Yes hyung I am in here."
"What's wrong? You just ran by and came in here, I was on my way to class." I wiped my tears hoping I hadn't cried to the point where my eyes were red and puffy. I opened the door to the stall.
"Nothing hyung I am ok." He looked at me in the eyes, I looked down.
"Don't lie to me Jungkook why where you crying? What's wrong?" he stepped closer and grabbed my hands. "It's ok Jungkookie you can tell me."
"Hyung... I saw something."
"Did you see Seokjin and Namjoon kissing again is that why you are crying? I know you are not use to it or comfortable with it but you don't have to cry about it." I let out a little laugh.
"No hyung it wasn't that...It's because... well I was going to class...I opened the door to the class and...and then..." I felt the tears coming again.
"It's ok Jungkook let it out."
"I walked in to the class and saw Taehyung and Jimin kissing." The tears came again. Yoongi stayed still and quiet for a while then he hugged me.
"It's ok Jungkook" he pated my hair, he held me there until I was better.

Back to Jimin POV
Taehyung was kissing me, he pulled back looked at me in the eyes and smiled.
"Jiminie I don't know if you have noticed but I like you, and I know it hasn't been long since we met and I won't ask you to date me, yet, I just want you to think about it, if you want to be with me" I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say.
The bell rang, he got of my lap and walked to his desk. People stated to come into the class.
After a while Yoongi and Jungkook came into the class, I had to admit I was happy to see them, but neither of them turned to look at me they just walked to their seats.
Why were they ignoring me? I had just settled things with Suga, what happened? I would talk to Suga after class.

Seokjin POV
Jungkook and Yoongi looked serious, Taehyung, Namjoon and Hoseok looked happy, as always, and Jimin looked worried. What was going on?
I turned to Jungkook, he sat next to me "What's wrong Jungkook?"
He looked at me and gave me a little smile "Nothing hyung, everything is fine." He turned to face the front again. Did he just lie to me? In my face?
I grabbed my chair and put in next to Jungkook's "What's wrong Jungkook? You can't lie to me."
He turned to me and it looked like he might cry, OH God my baby. "My heart feels a broken hyung."
"Why Jungkook? Who broke your heart?" I turned to Jimin knowing it had something to do with him, I had noticed what was going on between them since Jimin arrived. Jungkook had started to like Jimin and I was still trying to figure out who Taehyung liked but lately I was thinking it was Jimin. Now Yoongi it seemed also developed feelings over time for Jimin.
"Hyung...I saw Taehyung and Jimin kissing." I widened my eyes, I had not expected that, I had expected anything but that.
"You like Jimin don't you Jungkook. It's ok Jungkook." I hugged him. I had really not expected that.
Finally the lunch bell rang. Namjoon hurried over to me and grabbed my hand.
"What's wrong Jin? You look worried, is something bothering you?" I didn't answer. I didn't know what to do? My little boys had started to like the same boy. I couldn't do anything to help them.
Namjoon stopped me and grabbed my shoulders "Jin what's wrong? I don't like seeing you like this." I looked at him and told him what was going on.
"So what do you think Namjoon?" he stared at me for a while.
"Honestly I was rooting for Yoongi the whole time."
"What? What do you mean? Yoongi doesn't even like Jimin."
He smiled "It may look like Yoongi doesn't like Jimin, but if you really pay attention to him you can see that he does like him, I noticed it a few days ago. I caught him stealing glances in Jimin's direction and the way he smiled when he looked at Jimin It just gave it away. I just thought I was really cute, so I have been rooting for Yoongi for a while." I cannot believe this.
"But what am I supposed to do about Jungkook and Taehyung?"
"Jin, Babe, you can't always take care of them just let them settle it by themselves. I just feel like we shouldn't get involved." I guess, if Namjoon thought so.
I hugged Namjoon. "So you think I shouldn't get involved?" he hugged me too
"Yup that's exactly what I think."

Hoseok POV
I sat alone in the Cafeteria. Namjoon and Seokjin had gone together. Jimin had gone to the field again,
Jungkook and Yoongi had left together and I didn't know where Taehyung was.
So I sat here alone, but I don't like being alone so I decided to go with Jimin.
I found him lying in the field.
"Hello Jimin!" he sat up and looked at me.
"Hey Hoseok, why are you alone?"
"I would like to know that to."
"What do you mean?"
"Well everybody just left or didn't show up, I was just sitting alone in the cafeteria and decided to come and find you. So how are things going with you and Yoongi?"
I turned to him "You knew about it too?"
"Yeah Taehyung told me, did you know Taehyung likes you?" I looked down
"Yeah he told me a while ago." I talked for a while then, I left him alone. Hmm he sure had a lot of problems. Honestly I wanted him to be happy with Yoongi.

Back to Jimin POV
Hoseok had left me alone in the field. It felt nice to let everything out with someone, he was a good listener.
I was going to talk to Yoongi after class but he disappeared with Jungkook. I wonder if I did something wrong.
This was really stressing me out.

It was the last class of the day I didn't want to bother Yoongi or Jungkook so I sat away from them.
When the bell rang Yoongi was already gone and Jungkook was on his way out.
I decided it was better to go home. I walked out the class and Yoongi was waiting outside.
He motioned for me to follow him, I followed him he stopped when we were far away from the school.
He talked with his back still to me "So do you and Taehyung have something?"
"What!?" did he see? Did Taehyung tell him something?
"Jungkook told me he saw you two kissing today."
"OH well..."
He turned around and walked towards me "Do you have something with him?"
"Well... not really. He kissed me but we are not together, he wants me to date him."
"Do you want to date him?"
"I am not sure Suga."
"Well I'll give you my opinion since I am your best friend, I don't think you should date him."
"And why not?"
"Because there is someone else that likes you." He grabbed my hands "Jimin I like you"
"Yoongi I... I..."
"Jimin I want to date you, and I won't accept no for an answer." He smiled at me.
What was I going to do?
Taehyung or Yoongi?
I loved them both I didn't want to see either of them hurt.

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