Chapter 4

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Emma's POV:

I looked over to Fin to ask if she wanted to surf with me. I noticed that she was upset.

"What's wrong Fin?' I asked worried.

Fin didn't answer she just gazed out to the water. I followed her gaze and couldn't believe my eyes. Reef and Lo were kissing passionately on Lo's board as they bobbed up and down.

I gasped. I always knew that Fin has liked Reef. Actually, I always knew that she had liked him, ALOT. I looked back at Fin and saw tears rolling down her cheeks. I sat down next to her and hugged her.

"It's ok Fin..." I said, looking back out at the water, cringing. They were still at it. "Wanna go Fin?". 

Fin nodded her blonde head and I grabbed our boards and trotted over to Johnny. 

"Hey, me and Fin are gonna leave, Fin's a bit upset..." I said pointing at Reef and Lo, still kissing. I realised that they weren't just kissing, they were making out!

"Ok, I'll tell everyone, is Fin okay?" He asked. 

"Not sure, but I'll take care of her!" I responded. "Thanks!".

I trotted back to Fin. "Let's get outta here!" I said. Fin just nodded her head and grabbed her board. "Thanks..." Fin gloomily said as she walked next to me down the trail to the house.

"No problem. So, what's up? I asked.

"Lo and Reef, as you can probably tell now, are into each other, as you saw before..." Fin continued "But I really like Reef- actually I-I love Reef...". 

"I understand, keep telling me..." 

"I have since day 1, I just acted like I didn't because... I didn't know why. "


"Have you ever had the feeling where the one you love doesn't love you back?" Fin asked facing me. She had clearly been crying, but not anymore. Her eyes were red. 

"Of course... Ty never notices me... I love him and he doesn't..."  I thought to myself in my head. 

"Of course..." I said out loud.

"Well, that's how I feel all the time, especially now..." Fin said, nearly crying.

I saw that we were close to the house so I guided Fin up to the porch and sat down on the couch.

"So tell me, what do you find in Reef? I mean why do you love him?" I quizzed Fin.

" I think because he just has a really nice personality and look at him, he's HAWT!" Fin responded dreamily.

"Ok, how do you feel about Lo potentially getting with Reef?" I asked.

"I feel terrible. I know that I love Reef more than Lo, but Reef can chose who ever he wants... but I'd rather it'd be me..." Fin answer gloomily. 

"Ok. That's enough quizzing for today, lets go to bed." I said as I noticed the sky turning orange from the sun setting. 

Everyone else was for sure about to come home soon so we could get the first showers. 

"I'll race you to the shower!" Fin said as she got up and sped off into the house.

Stoked- Lo and Fin RivalryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon