Stereoptypes on Asians/Geography Lesson

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I'm an Asian. I'm from Taichung, Taiwan. (In case you don't know where it is, it's to the southeast of China, below Japan and a little bit above Philippine. Or take a look at the cover photo! Your geography teacher might be surprised when you say you know where Taiwan is while she's expecting no one in the class would get the answer. The stage is yours, show them how good you are that you even know an island that perhaps people barely know!!) And tell me if you wanna know more about Taiwan!

Many people might think that all Asians are excel in math or science. But that's not quite true. I agree that many of my friends are excellent at math and science, but not everyone's like that. At least I'm not.. I often find science(including chemistry and physics) the hardest subject on this planet. I just don't get it sometimes. Actually, not only sometimes. MOST of the time I don't quite get what my teacher says during class and every time we move on to a brand new topic I'll have to spend a lot of time studying it myself at the library to really understand the whole thing. I wonder if students at my age could relate. Anyone?

So that's basically what I thought about when I was lying on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, so I got up and did this little confession:))

Also, tell me if you've heard of any other stereotypes of Asians.
I'll try to clear them up for you! :))

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