Three: The Workshop

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

Ezio was walking with his uncle Mario from the Villa Auditore. His uncle agreed to let his mother and sister stay with him ever since the hanging that took place two years ago. Since then, the three Auditore's lived with Mario.

They need refuge, and he provided it.

Not only did Mario provide a home for his family, but he taught the young man everything he needed to know about being an Assassin. Ezio has only been in the Assassin Brotherhood for two years, ever since he was 17, and continued to receive training from his uncle.

"Romana, that last name has a lot of history..." Mario muttered as the two walked down the giant flight of stairs that stood in front of his Villa.

"What do you mean, uncle." Ezio asked, looking at the large man beside him.

Ezio had told his uncle about the woman he met the night prior. He had been on his way to find a codex page for his friend, Leonardo Da Vinci, but got side tracked by a woman being harassed by an older man.

"That is a story I will tell you one day. But not now." Mario told his nephew.

Ezio nodded. "I understand, uncle. But I must go now. Leonardo promised to fix my hidden blades. He should be done."

Mario nodded, which was Ezio's cue to put his white hood on and head to Leonardo Da Vinci's workshop.

As the man made his way through the crowded streets of the small village, he wedged himself between people, making sure not to bump into anyone.

At the sight of guards, he would turn the other direction, and find a safer route to his companions shop.

He couldn't afford getting into a fight with the villages security.

• • •

Luciana walked along the cobblestone streets of Monteriggioni, holding her sketch book near her chest, as if it was worth a thousand florins (currency).

She held her head low as she walked, as she usually did. She did not appreciate the stares men would give her, or the whispers she would hear as she passed by a group of gossiping women. So she ignored it, and tried to slip into the darkness of her hood. As if it could make her somehow disappear.

The young woman was on her way to see an old family friend. Leonardo Da Vinci.

When her mother was alive, she spoke fondly of the man. Catarina would explain how Leonardo was so intelligent. He had the most amazing ideas, and created the most amazing things.

When she died, he was the only thing that was left of her, besides the letter she wrote.

Just as Luciana turned at the last corner, she saw a familiar hood.

"Ezio?" She called out, lowering her own brown hood from her head. The man turned around at the mention of his name, before stopping in his tracks at the sight of a familiar face.

"Lucy?" He said, shocked he had actually found the woman again.

The young woman approached her new acquaintance.

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