Six: The Escape From Florence

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City, Florence

The young assassin made his way through the crowded streets of Florence.

He couldn't help but feel guilty about leaving Luciana so unexpectedly, but it was the best thing to do.

He knew he had to eventually return to the village, since his mother and sister along with his companion Leonardo and uncle Mario all lived there. He would have to be careful when visiting, making sure that he didn't accidentally run into Luciana.

Meanwhile, the nineteen-year-old was on a mission.

A young woman recognized the symbol on his belt, told him about her husband, who was been caught cheating on her with a courtesan.

Ezio did not have anything better to do, so he agreed to help the woman.

After the woman told the assassin where she saw her husband last, Ezio was off to find him.

Not long later, he found the husband talking to younger woman, who seemed to be a courtesan, between two buildings secretively.

Ezio peered from behind a buildings edge, before coming out from hiding. He walked over to the two, and the husband looked at him in fear as he watched the hooded man approach.

The young woman's eyes followed the man's gaze until she noticed the strange man as well.

"May I help you?" The husband asked.

As he spoke the last word, Ezio raised his fist in the air. He did not plan on killing the man, for he did not do anything that bad. But he did plan on teaching him a well deserved lesson.

As the assassins knuckles buried themselves in the man's left cheek, the courtesan shrieked in fear. She ran off, her short dress swaying side to side as she did so.

"Guards! Guards!" She yelled.

Ezio continued to pound his knuckles into the man, until the husband began to beg for mercy.

"I am sorry!" He shouted, his hands in the air. "I will not see her again! I promise!"

Ezio lowered his clenched fist, his knuckles barely bruised from the pounding, before letting the man run off.

The young man turned to leave the scene, but at the end of the passage between the two buildings, were guards.

Ezio turned to run the other direction, but the guards blocked that way as well.

"The assassino! Get him!" One shouted.

Ezio did not have any other direction to flee, but up.

The assassin ran towards the wall of one of the buildings he was in between, and climbed the side of it. His hands fumbled to grab the ledge of a yellow tinted window, but he managed to get a grip. The guards began to throw rocks at the escaper, but none hit the young man.

Ezio continued to climb the wall of the building, using whatever he can to escape farther and farther away from the crowd of guards that were below him.

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