Fourteen: The "Trick"

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Countryside, Monteriggioni

"Absolutely not!" Mario exclaimed, waving his hands in the air.

"But signore, I promised your sister and niece that I would do this. I promised myself!" Luciana countered, but the man's word wouldn't budge.

"That is not my problem, Romana. But what will be my problem is if you end up dead!"

"Is that how low you think of me? You do not think I am good enough?" Luciana asked, hurt by the man's sudden burst of rage and unintentional words.

Mario sighed, shaking his head again. "That is not what I meant! The guards in Vatican City are more armed and dangerous than here. It would take a lot of training to be able to fight them."

"So train me!" The brunette pleaded. "Train me to become the assassin my mother was. The assassin my mother wants me to be! I must kill that monstro!"

The man seemed to be deep in thought as he began to weigh out his options in his mind.

"Luciana, it would take months to prepare you for such a journey alone." He warned her.

"Who said I have to be alone? Ezio can come."

Mario laughed and shook his head vigorously. "I've lost my brother to Borgia and his men. I will NOT lose my nephew."

"Mario, you must have more faith in Ezio and I. We are not children playing with knives. We are assassins! You must let us do what assassins do best. Assassinate! Save the world!"

Mario rubbed his bearded chin with his hand, before rolling his eyes and nodding his head slightly, looking as if he would regret it soon.

"Fine! I will begin training you tomorrow. First, you must ask Ezio for permission to accompany you. If he says no, the deal is off. You will not go alone."

Luciana smiled brightly, nodding. "I will not disappoint you, Mario."

• • •

Night came, and Luciana awaited Ezio's awakening, but the man slept the entire day.

The brunette slowly walked into her chamber, making sure she was quiet so that she did no wake Ezio.

She tip toed her way to the chest at the end of her bed, before lifting the lock and pushing the top open.

It screeched, which made the young woman cringe. She looked up at Ezio to see him still fast asleep still.

She sighed in relief, grabbing her hidden blades before shutting the chest.

She then tip toed across the room again, opening the door to exit when she heard a groggy voice.

"You must be quieter than that to get past me, Lucy." Ezio muttered with his eyes still closed.

The young woman cursed at herself in her mind, before turning to look at Ezio. "I apologize for waking you, Ezio. I shall go now." She said hurriedly.

"What are you doing with your hidden blades?" He asked.

The young woman looked at the devices in her hands, amazed at how he knew what she had without even opening his eyes.

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