Chapter 2| Smiles

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Rejection. Refusal. Dismissal. It's all the same thing. I had felt all of it at the same time while being turned down by Kyoya. All I wanted was a hug. A simple hug. Maybe too simplistic for The Great Kyoya Gaen. But what wasn't? That the question we must ask ourselves.

I wandered throughout the building till I found someone who looked similar. I found Blueberry, or Tasuku, in the front of the building. I marched up to him, still confused, pondering about what was simplistic to Lord Cat Head.

Blueberry had noticed me marching up to him and straitened his glasses. He put on a smile which would be one of the perfect smiles I have ever seen. I would have considered it my favorite, if I had liked smiles in the first place.

" Hello Kuro. How did you like him?" Tasuku said, noticing my attitude. I loved how he said him, instead of Kyoya. Almost as if he was not worthy enough to mention the superior.

" Cat Head was fine. He wouldn't give me a hug before I left though. I don't think he does simplistic things such as passionate hugging. Maybe he is a playboy. What do you think? I want to know. The though has been eating away at me for a bit and would like to have your opinion."

Tasuku looked confused at took a minute to comprehend everything I had said. Soon he started blushing and rubbing the back of his head.

" P-playboy? I don't think so..." he stuttered in what seemed like embarrassment. I stared at him in suspicion. The stutter. The blushing. The action of rubbing his head. Does Tasuku Ryuenji Gay? Does he like Lord Cat Head? I must know.

While going through my thoughts, I had not noticed that Blueberry had taken my hand and dragged me away. We were in front of what looked like a tall building with a crystal on top when I finally took note of my surroundings. Blueberry dragged me in there and went up to what seemed like the front desk. He talked to the woman behind it, who seemed to have been named Stella. He smiled and dragged me away once again.

           Eventually, we ended up in a room with Stella, a guy named Takihara, and what Tasuku told me to be Commander I.

I had no idea what they were discussing. They were going on and on about something while I was looking around. I caught my name being thrown around a few times. Once this Takihara Guy even asked If I was his girlfriend. Tasuku blushed and rubbed his head ( I had noticed he rubbed his head when embaressed). He shook his head and continued talking about whatever. To my dissapointment, there was not a single stray cat wondering around the room. I made my way to Tasuku in dissapointment and with out a cat. He saw me slump toward him and motioned me to get over there.

" Tasuku, I didn't find a cat!" I complained. Tasuku laughed and patted my head. I looked at him with an annoyed expression and opend my mouth to say something, but he had started talking again. I didn't even know what we were doing here. I wanted to go see if I could find Gaito or Cat Head.

" Tasuku! I''m going to go find Cat Head. Okay?" I started walking toward where we came from, but something grabbed my hand. Tasuku was glaring at me and holding my hand way to tight for comfort.

" We're leaving." He dragged me out of the building, still gripping on to my wrist. When we got out, I saw that Kyoya was being interviewed ofr something on the big screens on buildings, which I thought were useless at first. They were talking about stuff I didn't care about, but it was mesmorizing to see Kyoya have this different attitude. I stared at the screen, while Tasuku was struggling to drag me and my resisting self. At the end of the interview, Kyoya had smiled. I swear, that was the cutest, and most adorable smile ever. It was garenteed better then Tasuku's. It was better than a smile I thought I would consider my favorite. It was the smile that made me want to see another. It was the smile that makes me want to march over there and demand for a hug.







We'll never know...

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