Chapter 5| Mirrors Show Us What We Look Like, Not Who We Are. I Think.

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"Mirror Mirror on the wall, why are you not working?" I mumbled. I had stared at the mirror for so long, but nothing happened. Nothing.
Blowing a strand of jet black hair out of my face, I got up off the chair I was sitting on and flopped on my bed. Next to my pillow was some core deck case thing with my " card deck" inside of it. Gaito had given it to me, saying it was mine. What I would use it for was a mystery. You know what? I'm gonna look through this useless thing.
All these cards had pictures of dragons, items, and a bunch of other random stuff. It seemed like a card game. I was right. USELESS.
I kept looking through them till I found a very suspicious looking card. How a card game card can look so suspicious is unknown to me, but it was. It was very suspicious. The card had a three headed dragon it, which looked quite similar to the one I saw in my dream.
Before I could "examine" it thoroughly, there was a knock on my door. Who dare disturb the great, confused-about-what-was-going-on Queen of the World? I dropped the card on my bed and opens the door a little bit. It was the peasants known as Jade and Yuta!
Cringing at my little role play, I opened the door and let them in. I sat on my bed, picking up the card once again.

"Were you looking through your deck?" Yuta asked, glancing at the card I was holding.
"Yes, I was. I see no purpose in any of it, but do you know what this is?" I showed them the card of the three headed dragon. They both just smiled.
" It's your buddy, Malevolent Despair Dragon, World Ender," Jade replied. She saw my confused face and continued explaining. " A buddy. You know, like Jack is to Tasuku and Abygale is to Gaito?"
         I thought for a minute and stared at the card. Malevolent Despair Dragon, World Ender? That's a pretty cool name. It's also kinda long too. " So it's a tiny dragon?" I asked, recalling how small Abygale is.
           " No it's huge, stupid. Like, really big. Do you not remember anything about it? You dominated Tasuku in a match once!" Yuta replied, in a quite excited way, I might add. I shook my head and glanced at the mirror. I saw a gleam in the mirror. I squinted and made out teeth. More like a smirking mouth. Jade noticed me squinting and questioned it.
            " What are you looking at?"
            "Nothing." She frowned, clearly not believing what I said.
              " Well, we're leaving now." They both got up and left, leaving me to stare at my stupid mirror in peace. I sighed and put my deck away. Turning to look at the mirror, I saw the weird reflection once again. This time it was pointing a gun to its self with it's tongue sticking out. I rubbed my eyes, trying to se whether it was real or not. It was still there. Was that me? Or another version of me? Just as I started backing away, there was another knock on the door. I ran to it and swung it open. Gaito and Tasuku stood there surprised by my aggressive towards the poor door.
          " Yesh?" I say, in an annoyed, childish voice. Tasuku smiled while Gaito frowned. They were quite opposite. The Blueberry and the Grape.
           " Lover boy- I mean Tasuku here wanted to see you," Gaito said, pointing at Tasuku. Tasuku frowned and swatted the back of Gaito's head. I stared at Gaito, then at Tasuku. What was going on?
            " Okay. Why?" In case nobody realized, I was very confused.
            " I dunno. Ask Blueberry over here," Gaito said pushing Blueberry towards me.
             " Well, I wanted to show you your buddy Worl-" I cut Tasuku off and rushed over to get my deck. I fished out World Ender and shoved it in his face.
               " This thing?" He smiled and took the card.
              " Have you talked to him yet?"
               " Talk to a card? No, I'm not weird Tasuku."
              " N-no! I mean you can summon it and talk to him. Like I can with Jack." The card suddenly started glowing. A small black dragon with three heads sat there, tail curled around it body. I stared at it, scared for my life. It stared back with it's piercing red eyes. The same eyes as the dragon from the dream. It must have been too much for me because I ended up fainting, like the badass I am.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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