Chapter 4| Conversations

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Morning has I arrived. The sunlight danced on my floor. Birds were singing and squirrels were running around the yard. You'd think I'd be in a good mood, but I'm not. For starters, I don't like squirrels or bird "songs". A simple 'caw' is enough and those squirrels have to stop running around. The second thing that was bothering me was the mirror. I was scared of it, but curious as well. Maybe I should tell somebody, but who? There's Gaito, but I don't think he'd believe me. What about Tasuku? No, he'd "believe" me just because he feels pity. I want no one to pity me.
         After wracking my brain for a few minutes and sitting on my bed staring at the mirror, it hit me. Cat Head! I shall tell the Kitty. The cute and adorable cat-like boy who shall be the death of me.
          I jumped off my bed and glance at the mirror one more time. I should probably tell the kitty about my dream too...
         I ran downstairs and found Gaito. He looked like he was going somewhere as well, which was convenient for the squirrels in our yard, who were clearly scared of us.

" Gaito, can I got to Cat Heads house- er, mansion- penthouse thing?" Gaito looked at me with an expression that implied that he wasn't too happy with my sudden outburst.

" You really shouldn't go there that much, but fin-" I cut him off with a swift thank you and ran out the door. I have no idea where My Kitty's house-mansion-penthouse thing is but my legs took me there with my brain failing to comprehend where we were. Eventually, I ended up where I was a few days ago, knocking on my cute, little kitty's door.
       When he opened the door, the look on his face was clearly confused, yet adorable in all ways.
"Kit- I mean Kyoya! I have something to tell you! It's really important and I'm really scared and confused and curious all at the same time and-" Kyoya chuckled and poke my forehead.
     "Stop talking so fast. Get in here and tell me what happened." I grabbed his hand and he lead me to a little group of seats. He sat down and I plopped down on his lap, instead of sitting in the other chairs. Once I was as comfortable as you can be while sitting in someone's lap, I started explaining what had happened.
       "Last night I went to sleep and had a dream. It was really weird and scary, it would probably be more of a nightmare than a dream. I was standing in this completely white and empty room. No doors, nothing. The only thing in it, was this really cool looking mirror."
          " Let me guess, you touched it," Kyoya stated leaning his head on one arm, which was resting on the armchair.
" Shh! Don't interrupt! Anyway, I walked toward it, but I noticed that my reflection wasn't there. I started observing the mirror it's self. It was kind of scratched but the glass was still crystal like and old looking. The frame was silver and it had these weird, intricate designs. Now that I think about, there was a skull shape on the top."
        " Mhm." Kyoya looked bored and uninterested. If my kitty can't listen to this, than who can?  I continued, trying to ignore his mood.
            " At the very top of the frame, a black stone was placed in a small hole and it fit perfectly. I touched it, but only to find the white room turn black. All the lights went out and I couldn't see anything but the mirror. It was gleaming, but there was no light for it to gleam, let alone any light for it to be visible, but there it was. I could finally see my reflection, but it was different. My reflection was smirking and it had soulless looking eyes. It also had red highlights in its hair. All of a sudden, the reflection turned into a black three headed dragon!" I exclaimed. Kyoya perked up at this. He looked at me with eyes full of something which seemed like curiosity and excitement merged into one.
         " Did it have a  symbol hovering behind it?" He asked, staring at me with his cat-like eyes.
          " Yes! Then it came and broke out of the mirror and lunged at me- wait. How did you know that?" I was confused. Was this Dragon famous? Was it friends with my kitty? Or maybe my kitty had this dream too!
            " I'll tell you later. Continue."                      
             " Okay. I woke up because of the nightmare and turned on the lights. When I turned around, the mirror from my dream was where my old mirror used to be!" I sighed, finally done explaining everything that happened.
               " I think the dragon is World Ender, your buddy." Kyoya brushed some hair from his face and looked at me.
                " Like Abygale is to Gaito? And like Jack is to Tasuku?" Kyoya nodded but looked disturbed by the mention of blueberry.
                " Thank you for listening to me my kitty- I mean Kyoya." I hoped he didn't notice what I had called him, but of course he did.
                 " Did you just call me your Kitty? I thought you were my kitty." He smirked at me and stared at me with a endearing look, those crimson cat-like eyes which could replicate gemstones staring right at mine.

" Y-yes, but you're a the kitty, not me! Your the one that looks like a cat and acts like a cat and is cute, adorable, and continuously  tempting me to hug you and keep you forever!" I babbled, not realizing what I said until it's too late. Kyoya smiled and did the unexpected. He did something the unexpected would never had expected. He lead me to the door, thanked me for telling him what had happened and kissed my cheek. Then left. I swear that I'll never continue to be able to live this life if events like this start occurring more often.
              I headed back home, still holding on to the feeling of unexpected act of love. Was it love? Pity? Affection? Satisfaction? I'll never know will I?
                 Giving up on trying to figure out why Kyoya did what he did, I decided to look into that mirror when I got back home. Kyoya said that Dragon was my buddy. Buddies don't kill each other. Or at least I don't think they do.


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