Part 2

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Hours soon after, Tord entered the room again. Before he came back, one of his soldiers had dropped off a tray of food consisting of bread and a cup of water, and he had explained the times and schedule he would be getting food. This visit from the Leader wasn't for food, though. "Knock knock~," he called as the door slid open. A chained collar was in his hands that attached to what looked like handcuffs. "Since you're probably not doing anything productive, I thought I'd take you on a little tour of our HQ. How about it, eh?"

"I don't want to see your shitty base. " Tom growled not wanting the collar and hand cuffs put on him. Tom didn't touch his meal and didn't trust eating from anyone at the moment. Tom stayed in his corner since he felt it was the only safe part of the cell. "I don't want whatever collar-handcuff thing you got in your hands there but if you were to get me something how about a bed? This floor is awful " Tom complains to him. He stretches slightly

"Hmm...I'll get you one if you come with, how about that?" Tord grinned, closing the door behind him and taking a couple of paces towards Tom, the chain gripped tight in his hands. "Come on, it'll be fun. Much better than sitting in here and doing nothing. Maybe I'll let you push some buttons!" If he was being honest, he only wanted to take Tom out because there was nothing interesting going on. His Army and the Blue Navy have been at a stalemate for months, and it seemed to never end, so he may as well find some way to pass at least a little bit of time.

"Fine please take me with you. Don't leave me here it's so boring. I hate this cell already " Tom was now begging. He went over to the door wanting to get out of his cell already. He didn't want to be chained like an animal and thought he could probably slip away from Tord while he was out. He also did want the bed to sleep in.

"That's the spirit!" Sneaking behind him, Tord clasped the thick metal collar onto Tom's neck, turning him around and grabbing his wrists. He quickly snapped the cuffs into place and grabbed ahold of the end of the chain in his robotic arm. "Don't even think about trying to attack me or one of my soldiers or else..." He tapped on the gun in its holster, eyeing the other suspiciously. Maybe this actually wasn't the best idea. If Tom were determined enough, he could probably break the chains, but Tord tried not to be worried. The door opened, and he pulled on the chain to take him out of the room.

Tom try's to pull away slightly. He goes out of the room. "Is the collar even important? Or is it just supposed to make look more like a pet?" Tom asked and growled. He thought the hand cuffs were enough. Tom looks around outside his cage interested in what was outside it. He wanted to go out more away from his cage. Tom plays with the hand cuffs and chains.

"Oh, it's just something I had lying around from other experiments. But I won't lie, it also sort of is for that." Tord shrugged. "Besides, who knows when it'll start." He unintentionally became suddenly as vague as possible and didn't plan to explain. After a long walk down the hall, they arrived in the center of the HQ. The huge room was filled wall-to-wall with computers, screens, even some locked up emergency weaponry. Guards stood their post at the entrance of each hallway that led away somewhere new, and the huge room was filled with soldiers keeping watch on monitors or typing away at computers. "This is our main room. Nothing interesting really happens here. We have our computer intellect and watch-guards in here." As they walked by some of the workers, a few would be harshly elbowed if he wasn't on task.

"Hm... one thing I can say about you and this room is that you two are both lame." Tom was trying to sound unenthusiastic as he could about his whole base. He even was says lame after a few things to what Tord said before. He mostly was just trying to get Tord annoyed of him. Tom was trying to wait to see a good spot to escape from. He decided he should suggest somewhere to go. " I'm surprised your soldiers and Other people you work with has to be reminded to get back to work even thought their commie leader is standing right here. Anyways So where do you work at? If you even do anything at all here at all. " Tom says. Tom stayed behind Tord and was pulling the the chain to desperately trying to get it off without Tord noticing. "You should start leading us there" Tom says.

Monster!Tom x RedLeader!TordWhere stories live. Discover now