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It has always been a dream of Eunna to visit Dubai. Ever since she was a child. She always tell her parents to visit it, but they refused. 

Then, it finally came. Her dream - to visit Dubai - is finally gonna happen.


A week passed, and today is the couple's flight to Dubai. The producers told them that they'll be flying to Dubai using a private plane that they rented from someone. They asked who it was, but they didn't answer them.

"Why am I so nervous? This isn't my first time flying." Eunna blabbered out.

"Maybe you're just excited to see Dubai and its amazing tourist destinations." 

"How many days are we staying there?"

"One week. They want us to enjoy this vacation-slash-honeymoon." Jeeno explained.


The car had stopped, and they are now in the airport. They were instructed just to go to the east part of the airport and someone is waiting for them.

"Enjoy your honeymoon, Eunna and Jeeno. Don't forget our souvenirs. Alright?" One of the staffs joked.

"Don't worry. We will be bringing a lot of souvenirs."

"Bye everyone!" Eunna waved.


When they got to the east side of the airport, the pilot - Eunna's cousin -was waiting for them.

"Good morning, Jeeno and Eunna. I'm Lee Hwiten. I am going to be your pilot today."

Eunna was so shocked to see her cousin. It dawned to her that they borrowed Hwiten's private plane just for today's flight.

"Why are you so shocked, Eunna? Do you know him?"

"He is my cousin. From my mother's side."

"Oh, really? You never mentioned to me that you have a cousin who's a pilot."

"I'm sorry for not telling you. We are not that close." Eunna smiled.


"Let's go?" asks Hwiten.


A/N: Their Dubai adventure will start in my new update. I am sorry if it's quite short. 😃

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