The Final Chapter :: Final Goodbyes

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The Final Chapter

The grasshopper rubbed their wings together, making clattering sounds in the lively trees, as they swayed threw the trees during the late evening. Kakashi wandered through the empty village, past the time anyone else would be awake. His footsteps echoed around the barrier of the tall structural buildings facing down at him. His head tilted upwards, to see the stars glistening down at him. He took a deep breath, and continued on. His eyes wandered through the darkness, trying to find where strait was. He stopped after a couple minutes, seeing a building with a candlelit room in the peak of it. He stepped slowly into the building when there was a crackling noise. He quickly turned around where an ANBU hanged upside down from the ceiling, staring into his eyes. He nodded threw the mask, allowing Kakashi to pass upstairs. Shizunne walked by him yawning, holding her pig as her teddy bear. "Oh hello Kakashi." She passed him, and before he had the chance to greet her, she padded him in the back, walking by him. "Goodnight Kakashi." He chuckled slowly, before walking downwards to the hokages office, staring to the candlelit hallway as he made slow steps. He entered the room, when a breeze of warm air slammed him across the chest. He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling for a brief moment, before staring in front of him what seemed to be an nearly empty room. There was a irritating snoring sound. His eyes spread as he saw Tsunade sleeping at her desk, Saliva beaded down her mouth, and stuck down to the desk. "Uhh Tsunade?" Kakashi asked slowly walking further into the room. There was no answer. He put his hand down on her arm, and shook it slowly. "Lady Tsu-" "ARGHHHHH" She said, slamming her fist into her desk. Kakashi stepped back, his body expression shocked.


"Oh, it's you Kakashi." she said, rubbing her hand on the dented desk. They stared at each other for only for a moment, until Kakashi's cheeks lifted into a wide smile. Tsunade let out a chuckle, before removing a file from her broken in half desk, and slid it across the cracks to Kakashi, whom caught it before it nearly fell. He opened the file, his eyes spread in shock to see the picture and the brief description. "What's this?" He asked, closing the slender folder, sliding it back across the desk to her. Her head lifted to him, a stern look flashed her face. "This is the place that Naruto and the Eight Tails host Killer B, will be heading. As the war starts, they will be in hiding and will be protected. Kakashi stared at her for a moment, then bowed his head not in the mood he's usually in. "So it's starting huh?" He asked, lifting his head, his head fluttering with all the possibilities that could occur during the war. She nodded. His eyes wandered around the room, trying to figure out what to say. "When will Naruto be leaving?" "Today, well tonight to be more exact." She responded, jotting down notes in her folder, waiting for Kakashi's answer. She lifted her head up to realise he was leaving the room. "Kakashi wait!" She shouted, running after him. Calls of his name flooded the hallway, as Kakashi walked slowly out. Before disappearing he finally answered the calls, and walked back to Tsunade. "I need you to tell him, he has an S ranked mission and that he needs to go with Might Guy, Yamato and some other Jounin." He looked into her eyes with hatred, thinking of how he could lie to Naruto; lie to him, making sure he knows nothing about the fact the world is in war, and everyone is risking their lives. "If he knows, he'll rush back and we risk loosing him."

He stood there, his face tilted to the cement in the morning breeze. "Okay." he said, twisting his heels and walking down the lit pathway. As he walked he heard the sound of doors opening, people rushed outside to their shops to start a new day. In naruto's room he was sitting there, with Sai, Sakura, Rock Lee, Neji, Ino, and Shikamaru, playing a game of cards. "WE DID IT!" Rock lee shouted, eating the last few chips there were in the bag. "We pulled an all nighter!" they all laughed, continuing to play cards. There were slight yawns but they were all awake. "Just watch," Sakura said tiredly, "We're going to have a hard mission today and were gonna fall asleep while fighting." They all burst into laughter, her eyes gazed to Naruto whom was laughing historically. "We're still going to end up winning thou, probably going to make the people trip over us." They all agreed, before Naruto got up and picked up a frying pan. "Who wants-" "Ramen?" Neji asked, laying back on Naruto's bed. They all chuckled. "I was going to say pancakes." he said giving him a sarcastic agitated look. "But you don't know how to make pancakes!" Ino blubbered, placing a card in the middle. "Yes I can!" they all stared at him. "Just never said properly." The sun began to shine in the room before there was a slight tapping sound on the window. Naruto's eyes squinted to the amount of rays came into the room. He signaled his hands, giving the Kakashi the okay. He sat on the bed, looking at the group sitting in the room; he arched his eyebrow. "Whats all this." Sakura, looked up to him and smiled explaining the all nighter plan. "That wasn't wise, especially for you Naruto." He stopped cooking, moving his eyes towards Kakashi. "What?" Kakashi leaned up against the window."

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