S0E2 - Call of the Stars

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Raven's eyes widened as the valley stretched out before him. A forest, seemingly untouched by two-legs. His multicolored eyes twinkled with amazement. Blazeheart let out a quiet sigh as the they traveled, her paws sore and eyes tired. "How much longer must we continue on, do you think?" she asked, interrupting Raven's sightseeing. His muscles ached from the three moons of constant travel. The black feline would look at Red questionably, awaiting her answer to Blazeheart's question.

Red stopped at the fork in the road, squinting at both sides. "Don't worry, it shouldn't be too much farther." She coughed awkwardly to cover up the fact that she couldn't quite remember from her dream which way they should go. After a few long moments of silence, with her heartbeat beating faster as a reminder that time was passing them by, she turned right and stared hopefully at the stones. She felt as if she recognized some of them. "This place is breathtaking... I've never seen such open space before. The walls of the city seem so much more constricting compared to this."

Raven continued looking at giant trees that loomed overhead. "It's... It's beautiful, Red. There's a strangeness here though. A sort of... familiarity."

Blazeheart chuckled at her friends' awe of their surroundings. She recalled her old camp, a small smile upon her face. "It is charming. Reminds me of my old home. Not as stunning, but open, quiet, and nice."

Red laughed softly, glad that the two felines were enjoying themselves after their ceaseless travel had begun to make them feel lost.

Soon the three felines found themselves at the entrance of an ancient shaft. "This... this is the spot. It has to be." spoke Red.

Raven sniffed the fresh minty air as he tailed behind Red. He would think that the place is perfect, possibly too much so. Something bugged at Raven's mind though, something he could not quite understand himself. "Red? Is there something mysterious about this place? A land this plentiful should have some sort of feline activity, even Clans! But there has been no scent at all." His question would be left unanswered as Raven's face briefly contorted to concern as Red reached the entrance.

The three cats entered the cave. The shaft was made by two-leg hand, but had not been used in generations. Cobwebs polluted the ceiling and any pawstep disturbed settled dust. Red's shoulders relaxed slightly, more used to the feeling of walls surrounding her.

They each shivered as the temperature dropped inside of the cave. A weird feeling would bite at Raven's hide, something ancient yet sacred laid down here. "Is this where I'll meet this... StarClan?" Raven asked. He could not help but look around the odd structures that supported the cave.

Red breathed heavier now, unbeknownst to the cats behind her, she could feel the pelts of a few dead cats along hers...


Raven coughed roughly as he breathed in the cave's dust. The black feline would look around the site, before realizing what Red was looking at. In front was an oddly shaped stone, a hole from above glimmered the light of day, which gave the stone a majestic, bright glow. "Red... what... what is this?" Raven spoke, chills shivering through his hide as his eyes never held such an awesome sight before.

Mesmerized by the odd rock in front of the tired trio, Blazeheart tilted her head to the side and studied it intently. She was bewildered, and murmured, "How... intriguing... Never have I seen anything like this." The dust tickling her nose, Blazeheart would sneeze, shaking her head.

Raven approached the stone cautiously, pressing on one pad at a time as he inched closer. He sniffed the stone curiously, which smelled of exactly what you think it would - ancient, coarse stone. Raven scanned the stone, and upon further investigation found swirls carved in beautiful patterns that weaved through the rock. On the top of the shimmering stone was the carving of a crescent moon. "I've seen nothing like this..." Raven commented, nearly at loss for words. "No cat could've done this, nor could a two-leg fit down here to place it."

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