S1E1 - Supply and Demand

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Blazeheart paced back and forth in front of her clanmates, her facial features showing signs of distress. "We can't afford to sit around doing nothing, we ought to gather herbs and aid those that have fallen ill." She turned to Ivyflame, NebulaClan's medicine cat. "You're the expert here, what specific plants do we need?" Ravenstar, the clan's leader, had fallen ill along with many others in the Clan. Without the correct amount and type of medicine, the sick cats' state would only worsen.

Ivyflame poked her head further out of her den, staring down at the vibrant red flowers covering this part of the cliff-side as she ran through the knowledge of herbs Ravenmoon has given her the past few days through dreams and visions from StarClan. "I know I'm the expert, but this will be my first official mission for herbs, and I don't know where they will all be." She sighed, exasperated, and looked back up at Blazeheart, Ghostpaw, and Blindpaw. "You would have to come with me on this journey to help carry my supplies back, and we may not be home for a day, maybe two, depending on where we end up finding the plants I need."

Blazeheart simply smiled, exhaustion evident on her face from spending the past few days as Clan leader in Ravenstar's stead. "We planned on tagging along and assisting you anyways, and I don't care how long it takes, as long as it gets everyone well again."

Ghostpaw quickly chimed in, tail lashing in excitement. "I want to help our clan, no matter what it takes!" Blindpaw nod rapidly in agreement.

A small smile crept across Ivyflame's face. "Alright," she padded past them, her tail flicking from side to side, "but be warned, I have no traveling herbs after the Gathering, so you'll have to face sore muscles on your own." With that she crawled through a large hole underneath the fallen tree blocking their path back to the rest of camp, shaking off the dirt and pine needles clinging to her on the other side.

They followed suit, Blindpaw grumbling about medicine cats and never having enough herbs as they break into a sprint. By the time they reached the small stream that separates the end of Sunset Peak and the rest of their territory, the apprentices were already panting softly. Ivyflame and Blazeheart exchanged knowing glances as they crossed through the still water quickly, the other two splashing behind them.

Once they reached the other side, Ivyflame froze, catching the image of a starry pelt walking behind some trees. Her eyes narrowed as she sprinted after him, knowing just who the tom was. As he continued to lead the way, she slowed down to a manageable traveling speed, realizing he must have intended to stay with them the whole trip.

It would be noon by the time they were halfway through Sundown Coast. Even Ivyflame and Blazeheart's pelts were drenched in sweat, and they motioned for the apprentices to sit under the shade of a large tree. Ivyflame carefully peeked over at Ravenmoon, watching as he sat under a different tree, watching them with the eyes of a StarClan cat.

After a moment of rest they got back up, slightly refreshed, and begin to run alongside a two-leg walkway, none of them bothering to ask how the medicine cat knew where she was going.

As they continued south, the river between Sundown Coast and The Rift approaching, the first clue they received was that something was very wrong, the smell of smoke drifted through the air. Each of their gazes moved to the sky, taking in the sight of dark smoke pillars rising in the air. Hairs standing on end, they turned to the right of the two-leg path to see a rapidly growing fire burning through the trees, hidden behind rows of green leaves and healthy plants. They came to a stop, ears flattened against their heads.

Suddenly, a large gust of wind rolled in from the coast a mile down, and the flames erupted with a roar. Sparks flew onto the intact leaves, burning holes through them and sizzling on the ground. They immediately ran to the other side of the road, walking slowly towards The Rift as they watched the calamity on the other side.

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