i dont understand???

42 3 7

Have you seen those commercials for sour patch kids?

Where the fucking candy is alive and doing shit to fuck up peoples lives and the they do something nice and the person then forgives them?

Okay, first of all, why the fuck isn't anyone the least bit terrified that their canDY IS FUCKING ALIVE???

And second of all, why would you just forgive the sour patch kid? It ruined your day. Like, bitch, I'd be fucking pissed and bite their heads off and throw them away bc once you ruin my day, you can't make it better again


he literally breaks your wall and says, with his scary ass voice, "oh yeah"

Like, does it please him sexually to break other people's stuff??

And then no one even acknowledges the fact that there is now a shit ton of money you gotta pay to fix your house bc that kool aid dude sure as hell ain't gonna share his kool aid money with you or at least offer to help at all

And why isn't anyone ever terrified when he bursts in??

They're all like "oh kool aid guy, I could never get mad at you"

Like bitch you just broke my house

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