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Okay, so for those of you who don't already know, I live in North Carolina. And, around this time every year, there's this really big music festival.

The Carolina Rebellion.

The lineup for this year was like, Skillet, Three Days Grace, Korn, Pierce The Veil, Machine Gun Kelly, all those lovely people.

Now, I was supposed to go on the last day (there are three days) but then my little cousins were like "yo yo yo you gotta come to meh birthday party" so my mom gave away my $500 tickets.

And i didn't even go to my cousins' birthday party. Instead, I went to my friend's house after a quite interesting day at the mall (if you'd like, I can tell you what made it interesting, but for now I'll just say there was grown man rubbing lavender stuff on meh face to help me breathe).

The entire reason I even left my house this weekend was because my birthday is also near (I share a birthday with my cousin so yeah).

But, instead of celebrating my birthday the way I had originally planned, I went to the mall and then to my friend's house. Now, my friend lives incredibly close to where the rebellion is every year, so we could hear the music and stuff.

Anyway, we spent the day walking around her neighborhood with her friend who I'd never met before (not important, but whatever). Since she lives so close, there were people who were attending the rebellion everywhere. And occasionally, the music would stop and the people would leave for awhile and then go back.

So, there were these headbangers hanging around, and the three of us walked past them while we were walking. We were going to the nearest store to buy some shit and loiter, scoping out all the hot babes. We were only there for five minutes and then we walked past the headbangers again.

We hear one of them shout "TURN ON SOME FUCKING JAMS"

and without even thinking, I reply with "YEAH"

And all of the guys laughed.

My friend then decides that she wants ice cream, which is when I get this brilliant idea.

I said to them "let's buy these guys some jam"

They agreed and we ran back to the store. We bought them some jam and we went to where the guys were.

My friend gave the guys the jam and she said "we hears you say you wanted some effing jams, so here ya go" and the guys all started laughing like "o SHIT THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVEEEERRRR OMG CAN I TAKE A SELFIE WITH YOU AND THE JAM???"

And so, there you have it. We bought jam for some strangers, and one of them took a selfie with us.

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