His proposal

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Edward Elric hopped on the train to his home town Called Resmbol. He was excited to see Pinako and Winry. Edward is quite nervous to see her actually. He hasn't contacted her in a while, and she may be mad at him.

The train ride took forever to reach its distallation. Ed was tired. Ed was very happy that he got his arm and his brother's body back without the Amestris being destroyed by father.

But he did think about the people who died in the process, which made him frown. Once the train stopped, Edward grabbed his suitcase and left the train.

He is walking down a pathway that would lead to the Rockbell house, he was nervous, yet excited, he can't wait to see Winry's beautiful face. Although be may get hit with a wrench. But that didn't bother him as he was used to it.

Once he reached the rockbell house, he saw Den sleeping, Ed's automail leg 'clank' made Den wake up, she saw Ed smiling and she was barking loudly.

Winry was working on her newest model of automail until she heard barking from Den. "Ugh, what is she barking at now?" Winry said as she took her goggles off her eyes.

She went to the front door and Saw Den on top of Ed licking his face. Den stopped as she saw Winry standing in front of the doorway.

"EDWARD YOU DUMBASS! HOW COME YOU NEVER CALLED??" Winry yelled, Ed took a huge gulp as Winry pulled her wrench. But she didn't hit him, she calmed down.

"I missed you.." She admitted.

"UH- Yeah! I MISSED YOU TOO!" Ed said as he got up and scratch the back of his head.

Winry invited Ed into the living room and had a huge chat with him. She asked a billion and one questions.

"How was west? Is you automail leg doing okay? Why haven't you contacted me? What were you doing in west? How you contacted Al recently? Have you made some friends?" Winry asked.

Ed answered them not in detail.
He also asked some questions. Winry also answered them.

After their long chat. It was time for Ed to have his automail checkup.

"Take off your pants now Ed." Ed was sorta used to taking off his pants infront of his childhood friend for automail checkups. Ed was already over his baby blue boxers, instead, he was wearing grey boxers.

She  studied his automail leg.
"Some of the screws have been loose and the Leg needs fresh oil. I might need some medicine to cure a few wounds on the skin." Winry stated the rest in details. As she fixed his leg, Ed felt as fresh as ever. "Thanks Win!" Ed says.

Pinako went to the grocery store to by some groceries and she should be coming back soon. At the mean time. Winry gave Ed a slice of apple pie she baked yesterday.

Ed forgot to call Alphonse Elric. Alphonse is currently at Xin with May, Witch has love feelings for him, even though she is 13 and Al is 17.

Ed laughed at the memory. Ed reached the phone and called Al.



"Brother! Have you made it to Resmbol?"

"Yeah! I did, How is your Xin princess?"

"ED! We are just friends! Nothing more?"


"How is your lovely mechanic?"


"Haha! But seriously, how is Winry?"

"She's doing well. I just had my leg checkup, how is May?"

"She's doing fine, I'm having a blast at Xin! They have great food there brother! You are missing out!"

His Proposal 彼の提案 - Edward X Winry one-shot fanfiction- Fullmetal alchemist ✔Where stories live. Discover now