Never Falling For His Trap!

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I don't know but the song Perfect Strangers makes me crazy as hell because I've been playing it in my head for a week and it gets crazier and crazier like there's a worm here in my brain.

"GABBYYYYY" My mom screams like she's talking to a person in a countless miles.

"WHYYYYY" I screamed back as me and my brother Reece is dancing.

"CAN YOU PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR RADIO!!!!" My mom screamed so bad.

"NOOO WAAAY MOM! WE'RE DANCING!!!" Reece shouts.

Me and Reece were dancing like a crazy chicken or something. We really dance in this tune everytime we hear it. Maybe dancing is our bonding time. Last thing I remember we have done it through his kinky room then right now we're here on my messy and dark room.

Maybe we're perfect strangers
Maybe it's not forever
Maybe the night will change us
Maybe we'll stay together
Maybe we'll walk away
Maybe we'll realize
We're only human

Then Reece is starting to dance like a pig and a chicken or something. My brother is totally a doofus or something like a dookie.

Maybe we don't need no reason why
Come on, come on, come over
Maybe we don't need no reason why
Come on, come on, come over

I turn around and jump and do the weird 'single single double double' steps. Reece laughed and do the same.

"HA HAHAHA..I ... CAANT... BR..EATH...EE HA..AH..H..A" Reece said as he excused himself and sat down on my bed.

I lower down the volume of the radio and do the same. I give Reece a water and he drinks. I also drink the water and let a single breathe.


"What the hell! Your ' Ahhhh ' is so nasty kid." He jokes.

"How dare you Reece!" I slapped his arms and make a childish face.

"Just kidding, you smell nastier than ever."

I just smirked and let a little laugh.

Reece roamed his eyes around my room then let a big sigh and say "Wanna go outside? 7-11? Mah treat."

"Okay." We stood up and asked a permission to mom and she just nodded and continue watching The Walking Dead Season 6.

"Beware from the dead sweeties!!" Mom screams as we got outside of our house.

When we got outside of our house. I can't believe that it's already night. The stars were getting visible through the sky and the cold wind is getting us giggle.

While we're walking, there's this group of boys walking at the back of us. I looked at them and I felt irritated  as I saw Drew again. Drew is with his friends maybe? His friends is weird too. Some were wearing shades even if it's night, and there's this thin and blonde boy who wears bandana and has a strange smile.

Reece smirked and say "We have to walk fast."

My brother is scared a little bit? Lol. "Reece, I know that tall blonde guy there. Don't worry... He's in my class."

Reece let a big sigh.

"WHAT THE . YOUR AHHH IS SO SMELLY!" I snort a laugh then he does the same.

Reece and I walked until we reach 7-11. But I can still sense Drew is with us. Walking together with us like what the heck! Can Drew give me relieveness because I totally hate him.

As we entered 7-11. We went to the slurpee station and we filled our grande cups there. I left Reece to took some snacks. While I'm picking for my snack and for Reece. Suddenly I heard a sonorious voice that echoed through my ear that gives me a serious willies.


I looked back and guess what. It's Drew. It's Drew Freaking Dirksen.

"Hiiiiiii" I act like I don't hate him but my fists is clenching and want to punch him without a reason.

"You were in my class right?" Drew asked and he comes very closer to me. Closer and closer.

"Y-Yeah." I stepped backwards because I don't want him to get closer to me.

"Sounds nice. Would you eat with us? Together with your boyfriend out there in the slurpee station?" He asked cryptically.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my brother so shooooo! We're having a good time here. Don't be a jerk." I said and walked in an average of speed because I don't want him to think that I hate him.

I went to Reece who is scrolling through his phone and somehow texting. My brother is smiling. He's smiling like there's something strange about the text or on his phone or whatsoever.

"Reece come on! That guy in my class gives me creeps!" I whispered.

"Shooo" Reece is treating me like a dog again as he doing some animal waves or something.

"Reece!! Can you please stop that? We're in a great danger and I NEED YOUR HELP"

"No I can't. " Reece said while scrolling through his phone.


I bite my nails and shake my brother with a slight gritted teeth and say  "WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!"

"That two guys there?" Then he points at the counter where Drew's two mates is talking to the cashier ladies. "Yes, they are my sissy, they said that they will treat us a slurpee and---"

"What the hell did you deal with that jerks?" I whispered and shake his body.

"They will just treat us some snacks and you know? Want to be friend with me. With you..." Then Reece is starting to roll on his phone again.

"Damn bro, Damn!" I kicked out my foor and bite my nails again.

"Don't act like a silly kid bro, Make friends!"

I just smirked and sip with my slurpee.

Reece points at Drew and his friends because they just went outside and sat down in the front bench.
"Here they go! Want to go outside and chat with them?"


Reece just shrugged off and left me hanging. Then there he goes outside and sit together with Drew's gang.

And to be honest, My brother is laughing with them and shrieking like a gay or something shit.

I let myself go outside in 7-11 and just stand there. Looking in every edge of them except to Drew.

I pout and drink my slurpee as I watched them spilling some jokes.

As I look everywhere, I can see Drew. And yes it is weird. He's looking at me too. Yes. He is looking at me.

Okay. I've been a fan of teen movies and I know this action. That Drew? I will be his next victim. His victim of falling for a fucking trap that he usually do to every girl he wants.

I glared at him and he's just looking at me like he needed something.

I looked at him with a wrath on my face. I didn't even realize that I crumpled my slurpee so that's why it flows out.

I felt mad. Too mad and angry.

As we're looking at each other, I let my dirty finger visible at him.

He was clearly shocked but later on he laughs like an evil.

"Weird guy." I whispered.

Then he continue looking at me like he thinks that I will fall for his trap like No! No! No! I will never be falling for his trap.

Never in his wildest dreams.

Perfect Strangers ( DREW DIRKSEN FANFICTION // THE TIDE FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now