the more you hate , the more you love!

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Music class was kinda "a little bit dissapointment " for me.

Wanna know why?

Drew Dirksen was there too. Creeping me! He was there to creep me! First is when we bump each other at  7-11 and now today? Today that I want to learn something about music and then there he is! He was there to annoy me, to creep me , to make me giggle in a mad way! How can he do that everyday to me?

It's just like... He always annoy me!!! Like there he is dude, holding my hand for a second and looks at me in a different way! There was this moment where I am playing guitar and then there he is!! He's not just holding my hand! He also hold my fingers and as usual he was looking at me and his eyes! Yes his eyes! His blue eyes! His fucking blue eyes that makes me melt like FUCKKKKKK! Why?

Why does he look at me like that? It's just that he looks at me all day. He was looking at me with such a freaking spark!

"Arrrrghhh" I screamed and lay myself on my bed.

It was night. I can see the darkness outside and the chirping of owls and the stars that shine a little bit. I breathe deeply and focused my eyes on the sky that I can glance a bit by my window but damn! All I can think of is his eyes! Drew? Yes. I think of him too like dude I really want to stuck a knife with his damn stupid ocean eyes that hypnotizes me with his trap!

While I'm lying on my bed and think about everything and just shaking out my head if I think of him. Suddenly, I felt an enormous shocked as I saw Reece standing infront of me and his voice echoed through my room and asked. "What's the problem dude?"

I rolled my eyes and just sigh deeply and say "Nothing."

"Uh huh! I know you!" Reece snap loudly. " You have a problem kid! C'mon tell me!" Then he sat down on my bed and then he looked at me with his jokingly stare.

"I don't know. I felt-- I felt irritated." I said in a dull tone.

"Why?" Reece curiuosly asked.

"Drew." I said.

"Owwww." Then Reece blushed like what the heck. Why did he blushed like a gay or something weird and creepier?

"WHY DO YOU BLUSHED? OH MY GOD!!!! " I yelled and took off my pillow and throw it to him.

"You two are soo hella cute!" Then Reece stand and said "One day, maybe there was this news that spread around and maybe I will just felt SHOOKED that you and the guy you hate the MOST were..." Then he laughs a little bit.

"Okay! I know everything kid. I will just shut the fuck up!" Reece added.


"Love him?" Reece asked.

"Yeah! I will never ever love him!" I said.

"The more you hate, the more you love baby sis!" Reece tease me and went outside and left me screaming in a mad screeching voice.

I really hate Drew Dirksen. I hate his eyes. His blue eyes. His arghhh! I hate him and the thing that Reece said?  The more you hate, the more you love? What is that? A middle school - star crossed lovers? An 8- year old feeling inlove for another 8 year old? A kid-corny love story? What the heck! Sounds like a unicorn! To be honest! Unicorn.

And you know what?  I would rather starve myself than to see Drew looking at me like what he always did.


Perfect Strangers ( DREW DIRKSEN FANFICTION // THE TIDE FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now