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Time pass and I knew I gonna miss Italy but the problem was I only one left since my parents and sister already go back to Japan so I have to stay here and finnish all the things and saying goodbyes to my beloved alma matter so now that I'm hear at the taxi and while listening to one of my another favorite band Coldplay. I do love them because of the lyrics of their song makes me always want to see them but since I'm busy doing my concert band and doing may competition for almost a year now honestly I've never go to there concert before. Even so I still always buy all there albums and download it to iTunes as simple as that.
Recently I've been thinking that I should stop doing it and taking a lie down and do as the high school girl that i was my plan.. After what said to the interview imma be alright since its a new life new school new classmates am I be alright if I stop go to the concert band and start something that do. Oh maybe I can met my another childhood friend how is he is he okay. Maybe not that's enough already Kumiko you should more take of myself than the others mother said shuchi is growing up man now. So what I don't care about him. But still his my childhood friend ever since mom dad, Onee-chan, and I go to abroad that a three years old kids doesn't said anything back then when I saw my childhood friend crying because I leave him.

After a few hours

Mr William said that were already the airport.
Mr. William is a butler of mind since I was I kid his always there when I needed someone who can listen and someone who can talk when your down.
Someone will say a korny joke.

After an hour of traveled I arrived at my destination Japan.
Ah seeing my hometown and the people at the airport really makes me feel at last I am here in Japan now.
Time has passed
I'm so happy that no one know me.
Of course they not know me.
Miss we have to go now your sister is here to come and pick us.
Mr. William can I go and taking a walk when we home
Huh! No.
Ehhh.... Why not its been a long years since I'm here.
What if someone will kidnapped you?
Mr William Miss Kumiko.
Oh Mr Hakuna its been awhile since I saw your face.
Miss Kumiko your sister is waiting at you in the car.
Sorry But it seems that you and your Butler do something again is he.
Nope Mr William is not like that. He just told me to be careful since I'm a celebrity.
Oh is that so.
Mr William no one miss kumiko since she's in disguise you see.
Even if you say that Mr Hakuna she need to be protected you know that she's not a healthy lady.
Hey you guys so mean. Fine I will go the car now.
Onee chan can I go in there.
Where do you want to go. Since both parents go to take grandma and grandpa at the main House.
So I can go and buy that.
Buy what.
Its kinda cute so can I buy since it reminds of My Senior in there.
The tuba keychain.
Yup onee-chan so can you buy it for me.
Okay wait me here.
Now sitting at beach seeing some of the uniform that I've never seen before. Once we buy the things that I like...
Minutes pass and we came to the gate of the Oumae house.
After greeting all our relatives I have to study for the upcoming entrance exam for Kitauji High School a school were my parents and grandpa and grandma study. Maybe I should have to listen some relaxing song I can concentrate now. (A/N PLEASE THE SONG WHILE YOUR READING THIS CHAPTER THANK YOU GUYS)

A few months have been pass since I I get the highest score in entrance exam
My sister always saying that you don't have to study because your already a genius. Just like what she said. The test is easy.

Next month I'll be a first year high school at Kitauji High School I hope they're all nice.
That reminds me I though no one know who I am but one of the student there already know who I am when I tell to my parents they're just saying its OK maybe that person will not tormented you.
They're saying something like that as if the girl will do something like sexual harassment.
I should have to call Aurora, Bella, and Maria.
I go the messenger app and open the group chat and call them
Hey how things going in your entrance exam.
Oh Kumiko of course we passed entrance exam its kinda difficult we don't you here I should always always do something so Bella and Maria don't fight.
Hey that's not true Kumiko Were just arguing something about we can pass the exam or not.
And you know what Kumiko~ I miss you...😘😘
Really Maria stop doing that.
Kumiko~ do you hate it.
No I don't hate it but you should just stop doing that from now own.
And I will stop if you promise me that you'll not going to forget about us.
You know what I go here in a messenger for talking to the three of not flirting with you... I'm going to end this call now.
Okay fine I will going to do it so hows the exam there.
As you can see I'm done taking the entrance exam.

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