Welcome to Kitauji High School

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Kumiko~  I have to tell you today. Are you online.
Seeing that Maria is online right now I don't know if I'm going to reply her message or not.
Kumiko~ earth Kumiko~
Really why she really like to tease me so much.
Yes, I'm online what do you want.
I need to tell you something.
Something? Is there a things that you want to say. Wait are you okay Maria.
Yes, I'm okay its just that I want to see you right now.
Wait are you teasing me again? I'm sorry but you know that I'm not in Italy anymore right.
I know its just that I want to see your face again.
You can always see my face why just click the video call so we can talked about that important that you any to disgust.
Seriously Aurora and Bella already offline so talking to her and saying something important to say. Maybe she's not really want to tease me. So after I saw that she called me I press the accept button and there she looks like she about to cry is she okay is she hurt or is it about a family matter again.
You know Kumiko~ I really need you right now I can't talk to Aurora and Bella about it, I don't know if its okay to ask you something impossible.
Of course you can ask me anything since were friend so what is it.
Can you pretend to be my Girlfriend por favor
Huh!? Really? Maria I don't know because you know that its impossible
There's nothing impossible for you so Kumiko~ please..
Is this a contract or what?
A contract until she will stop her nonsense.
Wait before that who are you talking about.
Sara... You know the one who always said she likes me.
I thought its about a family matter or this stalker that you talking about last year.
Oh, know that you said it about the stalker do you know who is she.
Of course not. Did say say she.. Wait Maria did your parents know about this stalker of yours
No Kumiko~ they did not know if I said them about her I don't know if what she want Kumiko~ so can you pretend so she will stop.
Seeing her it makes me want to said to one of my father's Friend.
Okay calm down first Maria do we know this girl your talking about.
Yes. You know her. Because this girl is none other than Sara.
Ehhhh.... You serious
What do you think.
Seeing her face right now she really serious about Sara being her stalker.
Maybe because you did not say her property that you don't like her, so try to say to her that you don't like her, that you just want her as a friend not a lover.
You think that is going to work
Seriously, Kumiko~
Fine if that is what you want.
What I want?
You know about this relationship thing.
Are you serious!?. 😍
Seeing her face makes a heart shape sometimes she I always thinking if she was just joking around about this stalker thing.
Yes! But we have to tell to Aurora and Bella about this fake relationship thing okay.
Thank you Kumiko~
Yes, Yes,
Yes what is it.
Can I give you a nickname then.
Huh!? For what!?
Kumiko~ your angry are you?
Nope I'm not angry why should I.
Kumiko~ you really have such a terrible personality. That you only show to all the concert brass.
Hahaha.. Sorry if I have this terrible personality.
But you know that is the thing that I truly likes about you.
Is that a compliment or your just insulting me.
Its a compliment.
After a Few minutes of conversion.
Maria I have to sign out now.
Tomorrow is the day we start our high school life...
What is it this time.
I love you.
Yes, yes, I love you too.
So today you will be my girlfriend yes.
Yes, Fake relationship thing.
Good night.
Buona notte, Mio amore.
After the conversion is done.

Time escape...

I'm on my way to Kitauji High School to start new day for my new school...
Seeing all the uniform of kitauji this is a new start for me.
Miss Kumiko we will soon arrived to your new school..
Thank you for always all this past year of becoming my butler Mr. William.
Your always welcome Miss Kumiko.
But you don't have to worry about me I have to be more independent on my own now.
You know that your sister and parents will get mad at me. You know about your health Right.
I know but...
No buts..
Fine I will called you when I go home.
I was walking now at the front of the gate when I saw the concert brass..
Hearing there playing it. I want to go and said that not how you play it.. But I should have stop doing that now since I already said to myself I have to stop. This concert brass thing and do what I like the most.
After hearing hearing there performed I can't stop thinking how suck they are. Are they going to compete to what they called national.. They really are not good there not good.
Who's not good
There going to win gold if they play like how they play..
No Kumiko stop thinking about necessary thing now you have Kumiko stop thinking about how they play.
Kumiko.. Earth Kumiko..
Kumiko is your name right?
Yes, I'm Kumiko.
So who are you talking?
Who I'm talking?
Yes, you said that they're not good at playing.
Oh its nothing..
But, Your always whispering about this band.
It's just that they're not good of playing the concert band on the entrance.
Oh, is that so.
What is your name.
Oh sorry for late introduced. My name is  Hazuki Katou. You seems like a celebrity to me.
Huh? What do you mean that I look like a celebrity.
Oh, no this is bad I have to change the topic come on Kumiko you have to change the topic.
Hazuki-san it seems your body is like the body of athletes.
Oh my, Hazuki is fine. How do you know wait are you also..
Thank God I change the topic quickly.
Nope I'm not an athlete.
Oh. Is that so.
Yes, since I have a health issue before.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that you have a health issue.
Its okay.
So how about we go to the band your talking about and tell them about how they're suck.
Huh? No I don't want too.
Is that tuba?
Your keychain that was a popular for all the concert brass a mascot of tuba. Are you also a member of the concert brass..
Oh my who are you?
Wait its the color of green.
Ruby are red  Hazuki.
Then something twinkling
Sapphire Kawashima, by the way are you also a concert brass band member?
What's your name again?
My name is  Katou Hazuki she is Kumiko, Kumiko Oumae.
Oumae? Its seems familiar.
Huh! What are you talking about Sapphire.
Midori please call me Midori.
Okay Midori.
Have you heard the band today their not even good.
How do you know and what is this Tuba keychain.
As I said they're famous. By the way when I was in the middle school I play countbrass
I don't know what you guys are talking about since in my middle school I play tennis player.
How about you Kumiko.
Do I have to  them or not. But they loom kind maybe I should have to tell them.
Yes I also a part of the band.
What is the instrument your playing Kumiko.
I play Eup.
UFO? 😕
Euphonium.. ☺
Euphonium what is look like.
It look like this but smaller. Tuba is bigger than the Euphonium..
Since I did not still pick up the club. Can we go to where the too were this concert band is. Please.
Kumiko what wrong?
Ah you see since the class is over I have to go now..
Kumiko please..
This is bad.. But if I don't go what are they going to tell that Kumiko Oumae is a not a good friend. Wait are they're my friend. My only friend here in Japan is none other than Shuchi maybe I have to say yes just now.
Sure why not.
Yes! Let's go..
Midori Whats wrong.
Huh! No its nothing.
Kumiko Oumae? Where did I heard of this name.
You call me?
No, no.
After a minute of walking we found were band is.
Is that the tuba you talking about.
No that was the instrument that I play.
Oh my are you here to join our club.
No where just here to watch we still not sure..
Come join us.
Don't scared the first year.
Are the three of you here are going to join to our club.
Hazuki were just here to watch right.
Were here to watch the band rehearsal is it okay senpai.
When I said it. Senpai
Uhmmm.. Ahh... Did I say it wrong?
No, no its just that your accent...
Ah. I'm sorry about my accent senpai..
No its okay.
Haruka are we not going to having a rehearsal today.
Ah sorry.
So let's start "b"
As I thought they're not good, when I saw Midori it seems were the same thought but when I look at Hazuki I saw a excitement on her face.
After a few minutes of there rehearsal someone came to the room
Are you here to watch the rehearsal.
No. I'm here to joined. The club
What are you waiting for get the registration paper now.
The girl in the glass saying it then when I look at the girl she's beautiful. Her skin is like a snow the way her hair waving every time she walk what a beautiful she person what is her name where she came from. What school she attended during her middle school.
And that when I encounter Reina Kousaka.

After the band done finished their rehearsal. I called my personal Butler that i'll be walking with my friend but he refused so now the three of us are now in gocha because midori wants a countbrass but she's been there for about a minute now.
Kumiko I never thought that your a rich kids
Huh!? I'm not rich.
But having a this expensive car and having a butler I bet your studying all girls school here in Japan.
I mean your Japanese right? So studying at private school is not not your thing. Wait maybe your not since your accent is weird.
Huh? So that why the President on the concert band looking at me asif... 😐😐
Is everything okay you guys seems a little bit awkward to each other.
No its just that were talking about were I study and hazuki saying that I study all girls school.
So did you get what you want in that machine.
Nope I did not get at all.
To bad.
Better luck next time.
we arrived at the station
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
See you.
Time passed
I'm home
Welcome home Young lady
Kumiko how's your first day at school
Trying to avoiding about and but it seems maybe I will try since they need more group.
Onee-chan where is mother and father.
They're busy for their work oh father have a concert so he can go home until  week.
I don't know he did not said. And by the way mother will staying at the hospital too so after you've done changing go to the dinning room and let's eat.
After done changing my clothes and done eating dinner I go music room for my piano lessons.

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