Chapter 3

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One Saturday afternoon a few weeks later and I was looking for answers. I was craving answers. But there were none. My father said nothing more after the day she vanished. But this one particular Saturday my father was in his study and he had his computer on. He got up to go to the bathroom and I wandered in there to find my bouncy ball. As I went towards it I noticed his computer and looked at the screen. What I saw was a diary entry from him.


I'm doing better after a few weeks of time...

"No, not this one.", I thought. I scroll up to that fateful Tuesday.

"Ahhh, there it is", I say to myself.


I am devestated. My wife is gone forever. What am I going to do? Is she alive? What will I tell Andrew? I can just not tell him. He should not know at the age of 6. That will probably scar him even worse if he knows what happened.

The entry then goes on to tell what happened.

I am shocked and just stand there. I hear the sink turn on which means my father is done in the bathroom. I collect my ball and leave the study quickly. That was close. My friend Dan was the only kid I've been friends with since my mother disappeared. Me and him are best friends and we hang out a lot. We go to the same school and have a few classes together. One day we get into a fight at school. It started with him making a joke about my mother in 11th grade.
It's in the hallway after lunch and this happens.
"Come on man, that's not cool", I say.

"Oh yeah I forgot, you dont have one. Heh heh." Dan says back, a bit sarcasticaly.

I move towards him getting face to face, "Don't do this", I say firmly.

He pushes me away, "Don't get in my face."

I say, "What happened to my mother is not a joke."

He pushes me and says tauntingly, "What, are you gonna cry?", as he mockingly rubs his eyes with his fists.
"Wah Wah Wah", he says in a baby like voice.

I swing at him while he is mocking me and not paying attention. I hit him in the temple. He stumbles backwards but he comes back and tackles me. We both tumble to the ground and he lands a punch to the face. I swing back but he parries and I get another hit to my face. I get him by the neck and pinch him. I manage to push him off me and he recieves a bad blow to the nose. By now we attract a lot of attention and the principal is here and not happy. We are in the principals' office and Dan gives me a dirty look. I look at him and back at the principal.

He says, "You guys are good kids, but I do have to suspend you. For 3 days. I know you are good kids, so I minimized your suspension. I hope you learned your lession. You can leave now."

I walk home and see some firetrucks pass my on the street.

"I wonder where they are going", I think to myself.

I soon find out exactly where their destination is.

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