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Luke's POV

The boys and I, except Skip, were all downstairs chilling, playing playstation.

"Addy's coming over boys." Skip yelled out

"Skip" James yelled out

"Yeah" Skip yelled back, as he came down the stairs

"Are you and Bells ok?" James asked cautiously, our heads all turning to Skip.

"We're great" Skip said smiling

"She should be here in about 30 minutes, I need to clean my room." Skip said before going back upstairs.

Daniel's POV

Knowing that Addy was on her way instantly made me happy, I mean happier than I already was.

After letting the boys know that Addy was coming over, I walked back upstairs to my room and began cleaning up, just putting away some clothes and straightening out my bedding and checking that I was well stocked up on condoms although Addy and I didn't always use them as she has the implant.

Addy's POV

I'd just finished a fitting for my shoot tomorrow and then I went back to my hotel to pick up a few things before getting a taxi to take me to the boys.

I walked into the boys and knocked on the door, screaming and shouting coming from inside making me smile.

Finally James answered the door.

"Hi Bells" James opening his arms and hugging me.

"Hi Jamesy" I replied as he hugged me.

"Skip's upstairs cleaning his room." he whispered as I giggled

"The boys are in the lounge, playing playstation." James said

"I guessed by all the shouting. I'm guessing Luke and Jai are playing." I said and he nodded as we walked into the lounge.

"Hi boys" I said as I walked in with James.

"Addy" "Bells" "Bella" the boys all said greeting me.

Beau got up and hugged me, whispering in my ear "he loves you, you know". "I know." I whispered back letting him go.

"That's fucking cheating!" Luke yelled

"No, it's not!" Jai replied

"I'm starting this game over." Luke yelled back

"I'll still win." Jai replied back

"Twin fights. Still the same." I said giggling as I shook my head.

I spent a couple of minutes watching the boys before deciding to go find Daniel.

"I'm going to go see Daniel." I said to no one in particular before getting up and heading upstairs.

Daniel's POV

I finished cleaning up and laid back down on my bed on my back, resting my eyes while waiting for Addy to arrive.

I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the future.

I woke up to soft lips on mine and being straddled by Addy.

"Hi handsome" she said softly

"Hi gorgeous" I replied as I woke up.

Addy rolled off me, laying beside me, putting her head in the crook of my neck and laid her hand across my chest as I wrapped my arms around her and intertwined our legs.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asked softly, lightly kissing my neck.

"What?" I asked

"You were dreaming about something, what was your dream?" she spoke softly.

Blurred Lines - Daniel SahyounieWhere stories live. Discover now