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Addy's POV

I got off the plane, getting my bags and getting a taxi to Dad's. I texted Daniel on my way, just letting him know that I landed safely.

I arrived at Dad's and knocked on the door, suddenly feeling unsure as he opened the door.

"Addison" Dad said as he pulled me in for a hug

"Hi Dad" I replied hugging him back.

"Come in. I would have picked you up" Dad said as I walked in

"It's alright Dad. Is it ok if I go have a shower and then we can talk?" I asked

"Of course" Dad said

"Thanks" I said walking to the spare bedroom.

I showered and got changed and then walked into the kitchen where Dad was.

"Coffee?" Dad asked as I sat at the table

"Yes please" I replied

"How do you have it Addison?" Dad asked

"Black, thanks" I replied as Dad made me a coffee.

"How are you doing Dad?" I asked as he handed me my coffee and sat down, opposite me.

"It was a shock but I'll be alright. I was thinking we should have the service as soon as possible. I don't think there will be many people there." Dad replied

"Alright, it's up to you." I replied taking a sip of my coffee.

"Are you ok Addison?" Dad asked

"I'm fine Dad" I replied emotionless.

"Addison, I know you and your mum didn't get on but you should know she really did love you." Dad said

"Is there anything you need me to help organise for the funeral?" I asked changing the subject.

"I've got everything sorted. I was thinking the day after tomorrow, so Tuesday then" Dad replied

"That's fine by me, I have to go back after the funeral anyway." I replied as I stood up, walked over to the sink and washing my cup out.

"Addison, why did you bother coming back if all you care about is going back to LA?" Dad said, raising his voice.

"I came back for you Dad, to make sure you were ok. I know you never stopped loving her or gave up on the stupid fantasy that we would be one big happy family again." I replied

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have." Dad yelled

"Maybe, I shouldn't have then. I'll get my stuff and go." I replied walking out of the kitchen and into the spare room. I called a taxi and packed up my stuff.

My taxi arrived and I walked out with my luggage. I got in the taxi.

"Where to today?" the driver asked

"Any hotel or motel close to the airport please" I replied

"Sure" he said as we started driving towards the airport.

We pulled up at a motel about 10 minutes away from the airport that had vacancies.

I got out and got my luggage. I walked in and booked a room for the night. I walked to my room and walked in, I rung the airline and changed my flight back to LA for tomorrow morning before messaging Daniel to see if he was free to talk.

Daniel's POV

"Skip, phone. It's Addy" Beau yelled out

"Coming" I replied as I walked over to get my phone.

From: Addy ❤️❤️

'Hi babe, are you free to FaceTime?x'

I walked up to my bedroom, sat on my bed and facetimed Addy.

"Hi babe" she said as she answered

"Hi" I replied

"I'm coming home tomorrow" Addy said

"What?" I asked shocked

"Dad and I had an argument. I'm at a motel for the night." Addy replied

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." Addy replied

"How's your day going anyway?" Addy asked

"It's alright, we had a meeting earlier but nothing much happened." I replied

"You doing anything tonight?" Addy asked

"I'm not sure yet. What are you going to do with the rest of your day?" I asked

"I'm not sure either. There's not a lot to do until I fly out so I might just get something to eat and go for a walk." Addy replied

"Ok babe, I should let you go and I'll see you when you get back then." I replied

"Yeah babe, I'll text you before I get on the plane. Have a good night. I love you" Addy replied

"I love you too" I replied and then ended the call.

I walked back downstairs.

"Skip, there's a party tonight. We're thinking of going. Are you in?" Beau asked

"Yeah, I'm in." I replied

"Awesome. How's Addy?" Beau asked

"She's ok. She's flying back out of Melbourne tomorrow though" I replied

"She only landed today though." Ronnie stated

"Yeah, I'm not too sure what happened but she's coming back." I replied

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