3. the moment things changed

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⠀⠀⠀SPEECHLESS. DELILAH DIDN'T believe it. What in the world was going on? She was laid there motionless, her face as pale as paper. Cuts and bruises were scattered everywhere on her battered body. She looked dead, even though she was unconscious. Her parents were still sat next to her, staring at her, and they hoped that she would wake up. How could this be? She was in complete awe and fell back into the medic table, which shattered into one of the four walls. It made the loudest sound, as it sent medical instruments crashing to the floor.

How she saw herself in the bed, even though she was stood up, she didn't know. It didn't make any sense to her. Delilah couldn't be in two places at once could she?

"I don't understand George," she spoke with a hint of fear in her voice, "why is this happening to me?"

George didn't answer.

"Please tell me. Please tell me that this is  a dream, it can't be real, can it?" Delilah questioned, making her way towards the boy.

"Of course it is real," George responded, "you're having an outer body experience."

"What?" Delilah cried.

"It's when you feel yourself floating outside of your body, or it's where you see your physical body as if from a place outside your body," he explained.

"I know what it is. But I still don't understand."

"Due to what happened to you, I have arrived to help you make a decision. I have come from a place where people go once they have deceased from the living world. As you have been involved in an accident which gave you significant injuries, you're what the spirt world calls the in-betweener," described George. "This means that you must choose."

"Choose? What for?" Delilah asked, now startled and terrified with what she had been told, and what she was going through.

George gave her a melancholy look. "It means that you must choose to either live and fight for your life, or accompany me to the spirit world, where you'll never return to live."

Delilah was given an ultimatum, which could change everything for her either way. She had to either live, with a chance of dying anyway, or give up and die right now, without a chance to say goodbye to her loved ones. She dropped onto her knees with shock. She began to sob, her body shook with dread.

"I don't want to die," she weeped, wiping her eyes.

"I'm very sorry, but you must make a choice," he quietly answered, looking at Delilah with little sympathy.

George approached her, and helped her up off of the cold ground. His hand touched her bare arm, which gave her the most unusual sensation. He was absolutely freezing, and when she held onto his other arm for support, he was still as cold as before. It was as if he was,
"Are you dead?" Delilah asked with wonder, after she was stood up fully. She knew it was a random question to ask given the circumstances and what she had just been told, but for some reason she wanted to know.

George did not reply straightaway. "Yes I am. I wondered when you'd ask."

He had a look of sadness in his eyes and Delilah didn't know what to say to make him feel better. She felt as though everything she had been through was a horrid mess, and she didn't know what to do.

A while had passed, and George broke the silence. "What have you decided?"

"I really don't know what to do George," she whimpered.

"Don't worry, I'm here to influence your decision. I am going to show you your past and future to determine your choice. It may help you get a better idea of what you want," stated George.

"But can't I just go back to how my life was before?"

"I'm afraid you can't," George said, "take my hand, let me show you something."

She had no choice but to do so. She was trapped - there was no going back. She was an in-betweener. She had to make a decision, no matter what it was going to be.  Without hesitation, Delilah took his hand. Looking around the hospital room, she saw her parents, still looking at her lifeless self, and still, they had a look of desperation in their eyes.

Wow, this chapter is really bad, but I hope you guys like the story so far!
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