Chapter 5

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Boulder didn't have any dreams that night, but voices seemed to fill his head. It wasn't until Boulder realized that there was voices, and who ever was doing the talking, they seemed angry.

"WAKE UP!" The yell rang through Boulder's ears and he bolted upright. Standing in front of him, tail lashing, was Minnow. His eyes blazed with irritation, and he was glaring at Boulder.

"Finally awake, huh?" He sneered. "After I had tried to get you up 15 times!" Boulder scuffed the earth with his paw, feeling his pelt grow hot.

"Sorry," he mumbled before standing up. Moss stuck in clumps on his fur, and he set at once on pulling them out. Minnow spat before whirling around and storming out of the den.

Boulder watched him go before returning to his wash. He heard mumbling outside, and Ember stuck his head in the entrance. "Boulder?" He scanned the den until he found Boulder.

"Yes?" Boulder arched his back in a stretch and glanced at Ember with a puzzled expression. What is wrong with everyone today? They seem so jumpy! Boulder shook his pelt and stalked toward Ember, hoping to get some answers to what's going on.

"We're all set to leave," Ember mewed. "Eat something, but quickly. We want to be beat the Furless before they come here." Boulder nodded and followed Ember outside.

He expected sunlight to hit his eyes. Instead, a full moon rose between the trees and nothing stirred. Boulder blinked before heading to the killed pile.

Ivy and Fawn were sitting next to the pile, talking in hushed voices. They looked up quickly when Boulder approached them. Ivy whispered something in Fawn's ear, and Fawn dashed over to Ember.

"What's up, sleepy hedge hog?" Ivy purred and bumped her head against Boulder's shoulder. He blinked. "How are you doing?" Ivy asked between purrs. "Besides waking up to Minnow yelling at me, pretty good." He yawned and selected a plump mouse from the pile.

"What was going on with you and Fawn?" Boulder said between bites of mouse. Ivy shrugged and said tartly, "Nothing that involves you." Boulder looked at her, surprise flicking in his eyes.

Something is troubling her...Boulder licked her ear and said, "Of course, just making sure that you're ok." All Ivy did was nod her head.

"Come on, you two! It's time to go!" Ember called from underneath Towering Oak. Boulder gulped down the rest of his prey and raced over to join his companions.

Ember cocked his head and said, "Ready?" Everyone nodded and Ember raised his tail. "I won't be leading," he said and turned to Boulder. "You will. You had a dream about this, haven't you?"

Shocked, Boulder nodded. Before he could stop himself, he blurted, "But I don't know how to lead a group of cats!" Everyone was silent, soaking up this information.

"I'll help you," Ember said, confidence heavy in his voice. Boulder relaxed and nodded. "Now...where too?" Ember stared at Boulder through narrowed, confused eyes.

"We have to find a trail called Skytrail, whatever that is. I guess we have to find a trail that's worn out from paw-steps-" He didn't finished because Moss suddenly cut him off.

"Wait a second! I've seen a trail that's worn out! Follow me!" Moss cheerful raised her tail and dashed off, leaving the stunned cats scrambling after her.

"Well, that was easy," Ember painted as he ran beside Boulder. "I was expecting to search the entire forest!" Boulder nodded in agreement and quickened his pace to catch up with the rest of the cats.

He liked running with the rest of the cats like he had with Ivy...only this time he didn't feel whole. He felt as if he missed something...a part of his past. The thought hit him like a flash flood. (He has experience of flash floods, yes).

Was there reason Shadow wanted him to leave? How did he know where to actually...go? They're dead cats, right? They weren't as powerful! Boulder had to remind himself that.

He was so deep in thought he didn't hear Ivy. Suddenly, he felt teeth in his scruff and his paws flung out from underneath him. Yelping, he whirled around, claws unsheathed to fight his attacker.

He flashed out a paw and felt his claw rip flesh. A yelp like a cats' rang in his ears. Boulder whirled around again, his ears flat and ready to defend himself.

Ember was standing in front of him. The left side of his face was bleeding. Boulder's mind was spinning. Then, the thought hit him. Boulder slowly turned his head, and saw a dirt road, but padded.

Boulder looked back at Ember, and what was happening came to him. He was running through the forest and almost straight onto the road.

A car must have been approaching, and Ember had grabbed him to pull him to a stop before he was hit. And now, Boulder had raked his claws across his face, mistaking him for 'attaching'. Boulder quickly scrambled to his feet.

"Ember! I'm so sorry!" Boulder quickly padded to his side and helped him to his feet. He seemed a little dazed, but not badly hurt.

The face wound wasn't bad. However, it mattered if you say that three long lines were running down Ember's face. Boulder gaped in surprise. Quickly, he turned to Fawn, but she was doing...nothing.

"He's ok, right?" Boulder asked. Fawn nodded. "It won't be scars, at least." She sighed, flicking her tail across the road. "Come on," she mumbled. She licked Ember's face, then crouched down.

Bewildered, Boulder crouched down next to her. "See over there?" Fawn asked, pointing her tail to the other end of the road. Boulder squinted his eyes and nodded. "That's where we're going to run for," Fawn explained. "On my count, run as fast as you can. Don't stop until you reach the other side."

The rest of the cats crouched down next to Fawn. Ivy wrapped her tail around Ember's shoulders to guide him. "Ready...steady, now...go!" Fawn yowled and the cats all ran onto the path. Boulder panted, paws drumming on the hard, padded ground.

The pebbles on the dirt surface stung his paws. Halting, he raised one paw to lick it clean. Fawn glanced back. "Boulder! Come on before you get killed!" She yowled. Boulder snapped his head up and pelted to the other end of the road.

His paws thumped the ground, and he felt teeth sink into his scruff. Pushing with all of her strength, Ivy dragged Boulder into a nearby bush. A silver car thundered by before disappearing into the distance.

"Thanks," Boulder gasped. Ivy narrowed her eyes and stalked off with the rest of the cats. Wordlessly, they continued on forwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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