Before Something Bad Happens

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Ron's POV

From the way Philby and Rachel looked at everything, I could tell they didn't believe a word my mum was saying. When we got to the house, the first thing Rachel did was ask, "Where is everyone else?" Mum answered, "Mr. Weasley is off in Brazil for a conference and the others are at a boarding camp at the college nearby studying survival skills." They didn't believe her. "Uh, Ron, why don't you show them to their rooms?" Mum suggested. "Um, ok," I said.

We went up stairs. "This is my room," I said, showing them my room that I had just put together. There was virtually nothing there. "Philby, this is yours and Rachel, you get this one. Well you can trade if you want, that's your choice." I told them. Rachel looked disappointed.

Philby crossed his arms and said, "You don't actually live here, do you?" "W-what! Of-of course we do," I stammered. "Really," he asked, "Then why is there nothing in your room? And an even bigger question: where do your siblings sleep? And why did I find this card addressed to your mom telling her thank you for renting a house. This house, to be exact. Care to answer that?"

This was new. Last time I saw Philby he didn't speak out much. I guess people do change over the years. "That's impressive," I say, knowing he has too much proof for me to deny it. "Spill," demanded Rachel. I sighed. "Ok, here's the deal. Yes this house is rented and yes we live somewhere else. But I cannot tell you why we have rented this out instead of letting you come to our house. I would if I could, I swear. But your just going to have to trust me. It's not like we're murderers or something because we're not. It's just family secrets. And I'm not allowed to tell anyone, not just you. I'm sorry," I tell them. "So where do you live?" asked Philby. "A bit far from here," I admitted. Rachel said, "Cool."
Just then, Mum brought up the cookies she promised. "Cookies," she announced, as if we weren't all drooling over the delicious smell of fresh baked cookies. I grabbed the plate and we dug in. "You know," said Philby, "I'm still upset she lied to us, but these cookies make up for it." Rachel and I laughed. "Agreed," Rachel declared. "I didn't even know mum could make cookies," I admitted. We all laughed.

We all told brief summaries about what's been happening to us. Rachel's been getting involved at a summer camp, Philby auditioned for becoming a model for a hologram that guides visitors around Disney and got the job, and I told them I went to a bunch of sporting events and a really awesome school. I told them that Harry was really brave and that Hermione was really smart she but that's all I said about them.

We spent the night catching up, unbeknownst to me at the time, we were all holding back information about what adventures we'd had. But the stories were interesting anyway. We stayed up till about 1 am. Then we went to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Just not in the way we planned.

Fandom Cousins (KK, HP, PJO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora