Getting Closer

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Percy's POV

Willa seemed to excited to find out how we were getting to Britain. "Just give me a moment," I told her. Despite how weird she was when I met her (and she was REALLY weird), I trusted Willa.

I gave my best taxicab whistle. We didn't have to wait long. Yo boss, I heard. I looked up and saw two shapes flying down from the sky. I heard Willa gasp with glee.

The shapes were Pegasi. One was black and the other was pure white. The black one was my pegasi, Blackjack. I'd never seen white one before. The creatures landed. Blackjack said, sup boss, thought you might need some extra help so I brought Gracy here to give the other girl a ride. "Thanks, Blackjack, you're the best," I told him.

"Wait, you can understand them?" Willa asked. "Yep, I told her, "So this is my pegasi, Blackjack. And this is Gracy. You'll be riding her." Willa walked up to Gracy and started stroking her. I like her, Gracy announced. I laughed.

"What?" Willa asked. "Gracy says she likes you," I told her. She beamed. I hopped on and Willa copied me. "The pegasi are going to be in charge of were we go. They will listen to what you say, but they will listen to me first. Just follow us, ok?" I asked. "I got it," she told me, holding Gracy's mane delicately. In my opinion, Willa was a natural with the pegasi. We took off.

Rachel's POV

Ron's idea was simple. Ok, not really. He started, "Ok, so I have this owl. Most wizards have an owl to deliver mail. But anyway, my owl, Pigwidgeon, can find me almost anywhere. Unfortunately if he can't get somewhere, he doesn't try very hard. But if I have a dead rat, he will do everything in his power to get to me. But I don't have any dead rats so..." I looked through my bag. Nothing. My bag was empty and I told them so.

Philby looked in his bag. "I have a book, 3 water bottles, 2 cans of tuna, a deck of Pokémon cards, candy, and a spatula," he informed us. "Why do you have tuna?" I asked. "Why do you have a SPATULA?" Ron asked.  "You know, most people ask me why I have Pokémon cards," Philby stated.

"You know, Pigwidgeon sometimes likes tuna so that could work," Ron said, starting to get excited. Philby handed Ron the tuna. I took one from him and said, "Um, Philby? Are you aware this tuna expired 8 years ago?" He took it and inspected it. "Well look at that, it did. Hmm," he replied, handing it back to Ron. "Well now we have to wait and see if he flies by," Ron said. And we waited. 

Willa's POV

Riding Gracy was amazing. In all my experience as a keeper, nothing could compare to riding a flying horse over the ocean. Percy seemed to enjoy it too. He'd done it plenty of times but it was still breathtaking.

Finally I saw the shore of Great Britain. It was amazing and I instantly liked it. And I hated that I liked it. We landed 5 minutes later. "What now?" Percy asked. "Now," I said, "We find our friends."

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