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I hold the bow shaking a bit and my father comes from behind me and holds the bow steady

"Relax Aria. Hold it steady don't be afraid of it" He says and lets it go and I look at the target I take a deep breath


I release the arrow and it hits the target straight in the middle and I smile and look at my Father who claps

"Wonderful Aria that was amazing" he says and I cheer

"Can I go again?" I ask and he smiles at me but a strong voice speaks

"I think that is enough for one day" Grandfather says and Father takes the bow

"We'll practice some more tomorrow" he says and I pout

"You never let me do anything!" I shout at my Grandfather in anger and ran passed him with Sorowen follows. I hear Father

"Leiling! Wait!" He shouts and begins to go in the direction that I went but Grandfather stops him

"Let her go" he says

Earlier that day...........

Legolas's Point of View

I seat in my seat and watch Aria walk out the door leaving me with Father

"I thought she didn't remember  or have to memories!" he says and I look back at him

"It was a dream Ada, we can't know for sure if it was her memory of not. The Angel herself said that this would happen" I told him and he drinks from his cup

"Her memories make me feel uneasy" he says and I soften

"She didn't hate you in the past. She isn't going to hate you in the future" I tell him and he puts his cup down

"I want her to be the Princess that she is and not the Warrior she was" he says and I glare at him

"You can't make her be something that you want. She excepted on herself as a Princess but followed her heart and stopped a war between you and the dwarfs" I tell him and he glares back at me

"Her heart is what killed her!" he shouts and I stand up

"I thought Gandalf was wrong in taking her from me. But now I see she needed protection from you!" I shout back and walk toward the door

"I will be wise not to cross me" He says standing and I turn to him

"I will raise her as I see fit and if that is what I must do so be it. Neither I or her will become as heartless as you" I tell him and walk out the door into the hall


 I look in the direction Aria went and then to my Father

"Why" I asked and removes his hand

"I don't want to reimburse the memories. We can't have them come faster then need be" he says and we were silent for a moment. Then he looks in the direction she went through

"I think a nice custom bow and a set or arrows would be nice" I tell him and he looks back giving me a smile

"Yes and a quiver as well" he says and I nod

"I'm not very good at this" he says and I sigh

"Don't worry Ada she is at that age where she will forgive you right away" I tell him and he chuckles

"Really you sound as if you already know' He jokes and I laugh

"Well I was her age" I tell him and we walk together and I see Aria and Sowren in the garden siting by some white flowers. I gesture him to go to her and he nods and sits next to her. She turns away from him a little

"Beautiful flowers aren't they" he asks her and she shrugs and he picks one of them up and gently puts it in her hair

"Perfect" he says and she turns back at him feeling the flower

"A beautiful flower that is almost as sweet as you" he says and  she giggles and he kisses her head

"I'm sorry Aria, I just don't want you the get hurt" he says and she hugs him

"But I won't Grandfather" she says and he turns to me holding her smiling. I smile back at them

Her memories may come at random. The good ones are not my worry, it is the painful ones that most concern me

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