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Aria's Point of View

I play with Sworen in the great hall. Acting as if I was killing Orcs with my imaginary bow

''Look out Aria! Behind you!'' he yells and I whip my body around and hit the imaginary orc

'' I got him'' I cheer and I hear clapping of hands behind me and I stop turning

''That was a very good shot'' he says and I slowly nod my head

'' Its alright. You don't have to be afraid. I'm a friend. A very old one'' he chuckles and I smile at him. I come to him and curtsy forgetting how rude I was

''I'm Princess Aria. I am pleased to meet you......'' I start to say but I didn't catch his name

''Gandalf!'' My father shots in surprised and the old man smile

Gandalf? That sounds so familiar

''Legolas how nice to see you. Its been a long time'' he says and my father puts me to his side. My head fits next to his hip and stomach now.

''Well I see you have already met Aria'' He says and he smiles and nods

'' Yes quite the young lady now I see'' he says and my father nods. Gandalf looks at me and grins

''Would you like to know a magic trick?'' he asks and I look up at father and he smiles. I look back at Gandalf and nod. He takes a stone from his coat and has me come closer to him. I leave my fathers side and take the stone from Gandalf. It was just a small gray stone that you would find everywhere on the ground. I give it back to him and he grins wider and tosses the stone in the air. It glowed and turned into a green apple and landed in his hand. I giggled and clapped my hands as he chuckled handing it to me. I take to apple and look at it

''Go on take a bite'' he says and I bite it and it was the sweetest apple I have ever had. I nod and he laughs again. I giggle again

'' Can you teach me to do that? Please!'' I beg and my father laughs looking at Gandalf who smiles

''Perhaps. If you are worthy of becoming my apprentice'' he says and I pull on his coat

''I am! I'm strong and brave!'' I tell him and he bends down to my level deep in my eyes as if he was looking for some kind of sign. He grins

''We shall see'' he says and he pats my head

''In good time young one'' he says and I frown a bit as he chuckles

''Gandalf what a pleasant surprise'' Grandfather says and I turn to him and Gandalf's smile lowers a bit

''My lord'' he says and grandfather looks to me and then at Gandalf

''What do we owe the pleasure?'' he asks and Gandalf walks to him and I end up at my fathers side again

''I have come to discuss a matter that concerns you and your son of course'' he says and looks behind to look at me as Sworen flies on my shoulder

''I see'' Grandfather says and looks at me

''Aria why don't you go out into the gardens while your father and I welcome our guest'' he says and all three of them look at me. I nod and curtsy  turning to leave the hall. I walk and get behind a statue along the way to see if I can hear alittle of what they will talk about.

''How is she?'' Gandalf asks

''Well as to be expected. She is growing a normal rate now but still has a long way ahead'' father says

''Good. She seems to be a curious one'' Gandalf says

'' Yes but all is well. She does not ask much at all'' father says

''Careful Legolas. She is very sneaky that one'' Gandalf says and I hear them disappear and I finish walking to the garden and Sworen flies off my shoulder and hovers over me. I sit on the grass and listen to the wind humming then I hear something


He says and I look around and Sworen is no where to be found. I hear it again calling me and I get up and walk into the small  labryith and the bushes slowly turn to stone and a door way is formed in front of me. I look back and see no one and I touch the door knob

This is most likely a very bad idea

I take a breath and open the door and I am in a house. Its small and I look around and see a table, fireplace, and basic things you would see in a house. I look out the window and see Gandalf siting in a chair smoking and chuckling. I then see a little young elf girl looking around 25 years old which is about 6 years old in a human. I watch her play with dwarfs. The same dwarfs I have been dreaming for about 45 years. They look happy and the younger dwarf comes and picks her up and they look at the birds that are near by and I watch him point his finger to one and telling her what it is. She giggles and he kisses her cheek and she kisses his. I smile and feel at peace watching them not knowing why

Why do I feel so sad almost?

''I love Kili!'' she shouts and he chuckles kissing her again

''I love you to Aria'' he says and she hugs him and I stand in shock

''Her name is Aria? But can't be me or is this another dream?.......this isn't it?'' I tell my self and another dwarf comes next to Kili

'' What about me? You love me to right?'' he asks and little Aria nods and jumps into his arms

''I love Fili!'' she shouts and the rest of them laugh. She then looks straight at me still hugging Fili. I suddenly feel cold and begin to shiver. My breath begins to show and the whole house becomes dark and snows. I cross my arms and shiver more as the snow falls. I then here more voices

''No Aria!'' Kili shouts but I see him no where

''Your nothing!'' another voice shouts that scares me

''I can't lose you'' Kili says and I cover my ears kneeling to the ground

''Your nothing but a mistake!" grandfathers voice whispers and I begin to cry

''Stop it!'' I shout and cry harder

''You will die'' a scary voice says and I shake my head closing my tearie eyes

''I chose this. I chose to find you'' a weak female voice says and my head begins to hurt and I scream

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