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I was walking through a dream, for some reason I noticed that I was walking in my old house. As I got inside of house I saw my mom and dad, but something was wrong with what they looked like, I walked closer to then. When I was arms reach my mom graves my arm.


She looked at me with no eyes and she was all bloody, my dad came up to me and he had a knife in his hand.

Me: NO! PLZ!

I squearmed and tried to gat out of her grip but it didn't work. My dad then staved me in the heart.

Me: *gasp* w-why?

Dad and mom: join us sunset

The dream then ended and I was screaming and crying because of the dream.


Blitzwing icy's (POV)

I vas reading a book zhat I found on ze ground, I vas in a good spot in ze book but I heard sunset screaming zhen crying. I ran to her room and started to calmed her down.

Me: sh sh sh it'z OK I'm here, I'm here

Sunset: d-don't let me fall asleep again

*switches to hothead*

Hothead: but jou have to zleep, what if I stay here?

*switches to random*

Random: Zhen vill jou zleep?

Me: I might sleep

Random: Zhen it'z a deal I stay here and jou can zleep on my chest if jou vant?

Sunset: thx, u know ur a big softy sometimes

*switches to hothead*

Hothead: I am only soft to jou only,  got it?

Sunset: got it

I Zhen git under ze blanket vith sunset, she cuddled up me even zhough I'm bigger zhan her, 'she's so small and cute' 'ja she iz and if ve can just get her to like us, she can be ours' 'if she iz going to be ours Zhen can I ask ze question?' 'and vhat iz zhat, huh?' 'let me guess it'z jou asking her to be our sparkmate?' 'ja, how jou know?' 'jou already know zhat answer to ze question'. I Zhen feel zhat sunset iz poking me.

Me: ja?

Sunset: why do u have to be so tall?

Me: it'z how I am, now go to zleep

Sunset: *sigh* ok

Before she goes to zleep she kisses me on ze check for good night. My faces were probably like zhis O///.///O. ' Vhat just happened?!?'.



Sorry guys I was grounded bc of a reason and that is why I was not updating, once again IM sorry but I hoped that u enjoyed reading this.  😊

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