you're insane (H2odelirious)

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                  ~H2odelirious's pov~
"Dr. (L/n) will be taking care of you now..freak." I heard Mr high and mighty Dr. asshole say, I didn't bother to try and remember what his stupid name is because I didn't care. However I couldn't help but repeat that name. "Doctooor (l/n)! Hmm are they a jerk like you?" I giggled, struggling slightly in my straight jacket. He gave me a glare and walked to the cell next to me. I heard a laugh erupt from the other side to me. I joined in and soon enough the whole hospital was erupting with insane laughter. It was great until Dr. Asshole yelled at us and made us shut up. He stopped at the cell next to mine and growled "another outburst like that! I will not hesitate to call security!" He stomped away and flicked the lights off.
"..nice one hydra!" I snickered. She giggled "Well gladiator was planning on doing so but I decided to steal her spotlight!" She giggled some more.
Gladiator glared down at us from her cell above. "Oh shut up!" She growled, leaning on the bars with a dark frown.
"Oh delly! What do you think about the new doctor already? I heard the way you said her naaaaame." Hydra said. Gladiators frown turned into a wide smile. "Oooohhhhh yeahh!" She joined.
Her? I paused "how'd you know it was a her?" I asked. "Incase you have forgotten delly. Our doctors share all sorts of information with us." Hydra slurred her words. Gladiator cracked her neck and nodded "Spooky and Lunatic tell us about all the stuff that goes on." She said and slipped from my view.
"Hmm..that's just unfair!" I grumbled. Why did they get helpful doctors?! Why not me?!
Because you don't deserve them.
Shut the hell up, delirious!
Hah. Why? It's true and you know it!
"SHUT UP!" I snarled. The voices stopped then everything went quiet.
"Aww. Del bothering you again?" Hydra's voice slurred.
"How'd you guess?" I muttered.
"Just could" she giggled. My eye twitched as I started to think of they new doctor. (L/n)..sounds just perfect!
Pfft someone is in looooooooove!
I grumbled not wanting to argue with delirious.
Good luck with that.
                             °time skip°
I listened to all the other patients conversations. What a bunch of animals. My attention went straight to the opening door. Dr. Asshole walked in, but wait..there was a girl behind him!
Must be Dr. (L/n)! 
I looked at her, she was beautiful. (H/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. She was perfect. I realized I was staring and I quickly looked away.
"Hello Jonathan." Dr. Asshole growled.
"Ah yes Dr. Asshole! Welcome back!" I giggled.
Delirious shut up! I don't want her to think I'm a freak!
Shut up. I wanna have some fun!
I couldn't help but smile. God I felt so embarrassed! Dr. (y/n) looked at me and a small smile formed on her lips.
"Hello Jonathan. My name is (y/n) (l/n)! I'll be your doctor from now on." She came up to the small window and smiled more. I smiled back "Why welcome to the madhouse dearest (y/n)." I grinned wide.
Dr. Asshole gave her a clipboard and she looked at it. "Split personalities..hint of insanity.." she nodded and looked back at me. "Alright so..I've gotten this under control." She turned to Dr. Asshole and he nodded and left. She came to the door and opened it walking in and sitting a distance away.
" other doctor has had the guts to do that." I said and leaned forward staring into those beautiful eyes of hers. She sighed "Well..all the doctors here are cruel and I wanted to help the right way. Not the cruel way." She said calmly. I blinked in surprise, this girl was perfect! She tapped her pen on the clipboard and gazed at me. I gazed back. Our eyes locked for what seemed like forever until she looked away and wrote something down.
"SHUT UP I HATE YOU!" I snarled. She jumped, her eyes were wide and there was a hint of fear in her eyes. I felt terrible but I knew I was smiling.
"This..this is the real me, (y/n)! MY NAME IS DELIRIOUS!" I laughed crazily. I knew I was scaring her, I felt so bad I started to feel tears run down my face. But one part of me loved it. The fear in her eyes.
I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"'s alright I know this isn't you..just calm down" she whispered calmly into my ear. I felt the anger melt away as she whispered sweet nothings into my ears.
"I'm sorry..delirious..he takes over and I can't stop him.." I sobbed and looked at her. She let go and cupped the sides of my face with her hands. "Jonathan..I know that's why I requested to be your doctor...Jonathan don't you remember me..?" She asked, her voice cracked slightly.
"you..I met you at the carnival. You won me a teddy bear..a few nights be-" I stopped.
She nodded "before you went crazy..Jonathan I knew that was you when I saw your name. I..I had to see you again." She reached in her jacket and pulled out a small blue teddy bear. The teddy bear she won for me at the carnival. I wanted to take in and hug it, then hug her, then hug them both. But this stupid straight jacket kept me from doing so. She noticed my struggles and teared up.
"I want to let you out but I..I don't have the keys. Security said it'd be best if you stayed locked up like that.." a tear slipped from her eye. I smiled a bit "(y/n).." I said quietly. She looked at me, tears threatening to spill.
"You're to beautiful to cry.."
She sniffed and hugged me again.
"Jonathan I am sorry..I'll be here as long as I can every day." She said shakily.
"I'll see you again soon Dr. (L/n).." I sighed. She let go and looked at me, smiled and kissed my forehead lightly.
"See you tomorrow.." she sighed and stood up and slowly walked to the door. She looked at me one last time before shutting the door behind her and locking it up. "Bye.." she waved and completely left the giant room, full of people. I sighed happily and looked down at the teddy bear next to me, smiling wide.
"(Y/n) and Jonathan sittin in a tree!" I heard Hydra's slurred words sing out.
"Oh shut up!" I yelled back. But this time it wasn't out of anger. I was happy, and it was real happiness not the stupid kind you get when you giggle for no reason. But legit happiness.
Maybe this new doctor ain't so bad.
Well..I can agree with you on that.
Ahhh..they're finally getting along. Let's hope it stays that way.
"Dr. (L/n).." that name sounded so perfect, and was.

JK  it's not delirious but me! Hydra. As always I wanna thank you all for reading this! And as always I shall see you all in the next chapter. Byeee!
Word count: 1251 words.

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