We can't love like this. (h2o delirious) pt1

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"I'm trusting you to do this (y/n).." vanoss said, looking from the blueprints at me.
"Delirious is a dangerous man.." He continued. I studied the prints and nodded. "I know sir. I was here when that happened.." I glanced up and looked at his seemingly far away gaze. Delirious.. He was Evans best friend and work partner.. and he left to make a group of his own.
"ALRIGHT!" Vanoss yelled with a wide grin. "This bank is ours for the taking! Here's the plan!" Everyone had gathered around and listened to him explain. After we had gotten our positions we all prepared for it, taking our places and waiting. In the corner of my eye I had seen delirious staring down at the bank floor with terrifyingly dark eyes. I shuffled over. "Del?" I whispered, causing him to look at me. I noticed how tense he was, as he gripped the knife in his hands and stared into my (e/c) eyes with his own Icy blue ones. He responded with a small 'hm?' Before looking back down at the floor, he gripped down harder on the knife and started to shake.
"What's wrong? You-"
"That's none of your concern!" He yelled, his voice echoed around the empty room.
"(Y/n) What's going on?! The guards are on their way now!" I heard basically yell into my headset.
"I-it was delirious! He yelled and-" I stopped when I heard the guards thundering through the halls. I felt delirious grab my arm and pull me towards him. "Come on! Bryce, cartoonz, and ohm are outside waiting." He pulled me out of the exit and started to run away. I stopped and pulled myself away, he stopped and looked back at me. "What are you doing?! We gotta go!" He yelled.
"I'm not going anywhere! What are you talking about?!" I backed up, he sighed.
"Look.. I'm leaving and making my own crew.. please join me and the others...I-I couldn't do this without you. (Y/n) I love you.." He looked at me with a longing gaze. I backed up more, and my confusion quickly turned into rage. "How could you..we are your family delirious! Vanoss is your best friend, and all the others are your family as well as mine! Why are you leaving us!" I screamed at him. He stared at me, the longing look turned into sadness which quickly turned into anger as well.
"I should've known you would've reacted like this.. vanoss isn't my leader! Not my friend! Not anymore!" He snarled and turned running away. I watched him run, I couldn't stay angry at him I knew why he felt like this.. I turned and sobbed, I loved him too.. I should've gone..
But I'm glad I didn't.
I walked out of the room and headed off to find lui to get some weapons just in case.
"Hello miss (y/n) what can I get ya!" He asked in his sqeaked voice, causing me to giggle.
"Just a switchblade." I leaned on the wall and watched him pull the weapon out.
"Are you sure that's it..?" He asked nervously. I nodded and took it, hiding it the best I could.
"I'm not going there for a fight..im Just gonna talk." I nodded to him and started to leave.
"Good luck!" I heard him call in a squeaker voice. I smiled and looked back before heading out of our base. I nodded to the rest of the crew as I left and made way to delirious's secret base. As soon as I made it there, guards were outside the secret entrance. "That can't be ohm, Bryce, or cartoonz..did he get new members?" I whispered to myself, quickly shrugging it off and making my way to the door as unnoticeable as possible. I couldn't stay unnoticed long enough to slip through the door because the far left guard yelled and started to charge at me, I sighed and quickly slipped away from his grip and headed to the door. The other guard turned and went to grab me, however my elbow to his nose prevented that. I ran inside and bolted down the long hall, stopping and looking back to see the guards weren't even following. I sighed in relief and tapped a button on my headset "marcel..hah. I made it." I huffed and leaned on the wall.
"Good, now if I am correct, And I know I am." He snickered, causing me to roll my eyes. "Turn right and head down that hall, and you should meet up with our old fellas." He said. I nodded and turned walking down the hall, hearing a gasp and the clicking of a gun.
"Wait stop!" I heard Bryce yell followed by footsteps, seconds later a body collided with mine. "How'd you get in here?!" He asked, squeezing my insides out with a hug.
"M-marcel.." I gasped once he let go. Cartoonz and ohm came running in after him. I looked at them with wide eyes, they seemed so much more older from the last time I saw them. Cartoonz shoved a gun into his pocket and stared back. "What are you doing here? Del won't let you leave if he catches you." He narrowed his eye and glanced back. Ohm leaned forward and smiled "nice to see you again. It's been a long while.." He stood back straight and continued to grin. I smiled back slightly and sighed. "I'm glad you're all okay but.. I'm really here to settle things between our groups. Vanoss is still crushed about his best friend leaving, along with his other friends." I looked at them all with a pleading gaze. "Can I speak to him?" I asked, doing my best not to spill anything important. Ohm looked at Bryce then at cartoonz. Cartoonz sighed and nodded. "I'll take you to see him, but none of us can go with you." He warned. I nodded "that's fine."
We navigated down the hall and through different rooms until we made it to a giant door, cartoonz opened it and let me in, him following.
"Del. Someone is here to talk to you." He said, nodding to me and leaving. I stepped forward and looked at the desk where he was. Delirious. The feelings I had for him returned and I felt myself want to run over and hug him and stay by his side. However the thought of him leaving our group, leaving his friends, leaving me.. I straightened up and took a deep breath. I watched the chair he was sitting in spin around. And there he was, delirious. I nearly choked on the breath I was holding. I stared into his dark eyes, that suddenly lit up. Slowly showing confusion.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here..?"

What are you doing here indeed. UHHHM I was planning for it to be longer but I realized how long it's been since I've actually updated this and like. I've got like four/three other oneshots in draft right now and it's been busy. So as always I hope you've all enjoyed this and I shall see you all in the next chapter. Byeee!
Word count: 1212 words.

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