awkward square squad!

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Okay soo,, I decided to make one of these because at one point me and my bois alluvialdun, lunatic_i_am, and alexisbeckner are going to become youtubers and I've wanted to do this for awhile so I'm gonna do it! So prepare yourselves for a Hydraulichydra/Gladiator/Lunatic/spooky Abby x reader!))

I smile at my computer screen as I watched the awkward square squad's latest video. It was Gladiators video and I had yet to watch hydra's and lunatic's version. I giggled at the same joke from the video and sighed as it ended, getting up and pulling my jacket on. I promised myself after that video I would get my stuff in my car so I could head to the airport tomorrow. I was heading to pax this year to watch non other than the square squad's panel! I smiled happily and quickly got it all packed. I continued to think about what they looked like. Well of course I knew but one of them had no face and was a mystery to all of her fans. Hydra. I felt my face warm up slightly just thinking about what they're like. I watched them enough to just fall in love with them. There seemed to be a quality about each one of them that I seemed to fall in love with wether it was Spooky's amazingly funny humor, gladiator's wonderful stories, lunatics sweet voice, and Hydra's toxic laugh that made me smile when I heard it. Not to mention they were all equally beautiful, even if one of them was a masked youtuber. (No homo lmao) I excitedly shoved all of my bags into my car and quickly headed back inside to get some rest so I could get up and leave in the morning.
\time skip/
I groaned and sat up after hearing my alarm go off, rubbing my eyes and turning it off with a yawn. The sleep seemingly disappeared after I remembered why I was up so early. I grabbed my phone and hopped out of bed, quickly getting dressed, sliding down the stairs and making it into the kitchen in what seemed like less than 5 seconds. I smiled and made myself something to eat and drink, after consuming it like a human vacuum I quickly ran outside and drove down to the airport. I smiled and grabbed my bags once I got there and quickly entered excited out of my mind.
/another mothermcfucking time skip\
I strolled off the plane with the widest grin. I called a friend that was waiting for me.
"Hey (b/f/n)! I'm here!" I smiled I heard their happy squeal before they hung up, moments later I had a pair of arms wrapped around me. I grinned and looked back.
"Lets get back to my house and we can hang out then head to pax!" (B/f/n) said. I nodded with a smile and we both went back to their car and headed to the home I'd be staying in for the week. After hours of messing around we finally made our way to the building where the one and only awkward square squad would be answering fans questions and playing some dead by daylight, and they'd let one lucky fan play along! I smiled giddily as I thought about what they're like. We looked around excitedly when gladiator walked out waving with a grin.
"Hello every- GAH" an arm reached out and yanked her back, everyone stopped and turned their attention to the stage. There was a few moments of silence before a masked girl slid out and everyone screamed with happiness.
"IS THAT REALLY HYDRA?!" Everyone around us screamed, I stood in my chair and narrowed my eyes for a closer look. Everyone paused in shock as the girl started to take the mask off. But surprise! It was actually Lunatic in the mask. Everyone had sighed but quickly started cheering back up shortly afterwards.
"Sorry to disappoint you my crazies!" She yelled and I swore she looked straight at me! "But I'm not the real hydraulic hydra.." she looked down.
"But I am!" Another girl slid out, wearing the same clothes as hydra's player model. Everyone started to cheer louder and louder as the rest of the squad slid out.
"HEEEELLLLOO PAX!" Spooky Abby yelled into the microphone on her headset. The rest of them all said their hellos while everyone was screaming their heads off.
"Lets get this QnA started shall we?" Gladiator called out and sat down at the table as well as the rest of them.
"Go ahead and ask us the questions now! We can get them fresh from the audience!" Lunatic called and almost instantly everyone had their phones out.
"WAIT!" Hydra yelled, everyone looked up in shock at her sudden outburst. "I swear if any of you flat foots ask me to do a face reveal! I'm...GONNA LEAVE!" She huffed at everyone. They all laughed and went back to asking questions. I looked up at them and sighed. What do I ask..? I typed in something quickly and looked back up at the wonderfully amazing people in front of me. I smiled as they snickered at some of the questions. gladiator laughed hard and nearly fell out of her seat, causing spooky to fling herself away to avoid gladiators hand that was swinging around.
"wATCH IT!" She hissed as gladiator sat up still giggling. Hydra looked over and read the question, she began to laugh as well.
"Who..pfft! Nevermind." she choked out while she continued to laugh.
"Anyways!" Lunatic yelled over them and looked out at the crowd.
"First question!" She looked over to the right at spooky who was next to her. "If you would." She grinned as spooky groaned and whipped her phone out in front of her.
"Ahem.. this question is from a (random name??), why is your group called the awkward square squad?" She said and almost instantly hydra and gladiator all looked at lunatic causing her to choke.
"Well you see..." She giggled then looked up "there are four of us. And well we were pretty awkward kids." She snickered. Hydra looked back at the crowd and nodded. "Pretty much."
Gladiator then took her phone out and and read the next one. "Where do you all live?" She blinked "not at all creepy! Uhm I live in the wonderful place known as fuckin Oklahoma! Ya know where twisters come sweeping down the street like every day." She looked over at the others. Hydra took a water bottle and swished it around. "Right here in Los Santos." She looked around before lifting her mask up a bit and taking a quick swig of her drink. I stared the revealed lower half of her face and sighed. Everyone who lived here cheered and quieted down as spooky started to speak
"I live in the great state of Florida." She shrugged and turned to lunatic. Lunatic rolled her shoulders and snickered
"I live in the one and only weed state! Colorado!" She laughed out. Everyone giggled and smiled up at the four girls on stage. Except me. I couldn't help but sit there and fall in love.
"Here's a question I really like.." Hydra said then showed the others and they all nodded. Then everything stopped when hydra stood and lifted her mask the slightest then smiled. "Would a miss (y/n) (y/ln) please come up and join us!" She smiled and turned her head in my direction and everything seemed to have gotten brighter. I felt (b/f/n) push me up and towards the stage. I looked at them before heading up to the stage, one of the workers from the back brought me a chair and sat it at the end next to lunatic, I stared at them and sat. Spooky leaned forward and looked at me with a light smile as well as the others. Hydra looked at me and grinned before looking back and reading the question I asked.
"What or who inspired you to become youtubers?" She looked back to the crowd.
"Well when we were little..we always watched the legends known as pewdiepie, cryaotic monki, CTK, the wonderful BBS such as vanossgaming, h2o delirious, I AM WILDCAT, nogla, moo, mini ladd, and so many more..uhm markiplier, Jack." She sighed with a smile. "We wanted to be the next generation of youtubers and well thanks to you guys I think we've made it." She looked to the crowd with a wide smile. I stared at them with wide eyes, they really did do it. After hours of answering questions I was handed a controller and looked up to see gladiators smiling face handing it to me, I smiled back and took it.
"Welp ladies and gentlemen! Lunatic is playing the killer this round so this'll probably be boring." Spooky said as we all stood up and headed to different rooms to play.
"Oh shut up!" Lunatic yelled as she walked to the room. I went into my own and looked back at the stage to see a giant screen slide down to show the screens for each of us, all with facecams, except hydra. I sat down and waved to the facecam and put the headphones on, instantly met by a laughing lunatic. "Welcome to dead by daylight my little patients!" She laughed into her mic.
"Nurse." I said with a shake of my head and a smile.
"How'd ya guess?" Spooky grinned.
After the game started it was going great!
Me and gladiator teamed up and started working on generators on the left side while hydra and spooky worked on the right.
"You fucks better stop screwing my generators!" Lunatic yelled. I was so focused on the generator I didn't even notice that my heartbeat was going insane.
"(Y/N)!!" Gladiator screeched as lunatic had insta downed my player.
"Shit!" I gasped as the nurse picked me up and took me to the sex dungeon. (Still gonna call it that,, pfft)
"Iron grasp! And the sex dungeon?!" I yelled.
"Don't want ya escaping dear!" She cooed into her mic, causing my heart to flutter.
" I shall save youuuu!" Gladiator yelled and ran down the stairs to the dungeon only to be met face to face with the nurse.
"Who you gonna save?" Lunatic laughed.
"No one! I'll save you in a bit (y/n)!" Gladiator screeched and bolted back up the stairs. After an agonizing five minutes and two deaths for me and gladiator, and poor spooky on a hook and quickly bleeding out. It was up to hydra to finish those generators and save spooky before lunatic found her.
"You must escape to set our souls freee.." I whispered into my mic. I heard hydra chuckle lowly on her end and all of a sudden the light flew on and the doors were now ready to open.
"I WILL AVENGE THEE" hydra yelled and bolted around the map looking for spooky.
"Hydra she's being a bitch and camping! Killer camper!" Spooky hissed. Lunatic grumbled. "Am not!" She growled before teleporting away. Just in time because hydra had ran over and quickly pulled spooky off. "Doors over here follow me!" She yelled quickly and they both ran. I was on the edge of my seat as I watch them race to the door And run out. They stopped and started to heal. I heard the heartbeat start up again.
"Guys..." I said.
"I hear it...GO!" Hydra yelled and ran for the door, spooky tried to follow but got insta downed.
"YOU IDIOT! YOU DIDN'T FUCKING HEAL ME ALL THE WAY!" Spooky screamed into her mic, causing all of us to laugh.
"Whoops." Hydra giggled back.
"WHOOPS?! YOU'RE A SELFISH pRICK!" her voice cracked slightly, which made us laugh even more. After spooky was killed and stopped raging we all prepared to say goodbye. The screen outside started to lift and we all stepped out to see a cheering crowd, my face felt warm I definitely was not used to standing in front of a giant crowd. I then felt arms around my shoulder and looked over to see hydra and spooky, lunatic and gladiator on each side with me in the middle. I smiled and we all bowed to the crowd with wide grins. We all watched everyone leave I smiled happily and was going to leave before they stopped me.
"You were pretty good playing today!" Spooky smiled, causing me to turn a bright shade of red.
"Th-thanks!" I stuttered out and shuffled nervously.
"You should join us in some more games! I mean if you want." Lunatic shrugged. I nodded quickly with a grin.
"God fuck it. You free today? We could all hang out." Hydra asked and snickered. I looked over at (y/b/f) just to see them grinning and giving a thumbs up before they left. I smiled and turned back to them. "I am."
"Great! We'll go to hydra's." Gladiator said with a wide smile. I nodded and smiled as I followed them out of the building. They brought two cars so two people would be in each car. But who to ride with..? I shrugged and hopped into one, gladiator and spooky. Hydra looked back from her car window and stuck her tongue out. "Try and keep up!" She grinned and entered her car again, instantly taking off.
"Jesus.." Spooky said.
"I know right.." I answered.
"Welp we've got a race to win!" Gladiator yelled and slammed down on the pedal.
Me and spooky screeched as the car sped after hydra's. After the painful 15 minutes of being in a speeding car through busy traffic we got out and stumbled up the steps to a giant house.
"Holy fuck.." I said and looked up.
"I know..wait till you see the inside." Hydra said walking past me.
Can't believe I'm really here with them..
I have to make it count.

Hey doods! It's ya boi hydra here! I made this chapter for my lovely friends and for You! If you would,, check them out as Well! Uhh thanks for reading! And I shall see you all in the next chapter. Byeee!
Word count: 2381 words

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