Chapter Two- Lord Rosie Red Cheeks

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I find it kind've ironic how none of my fans are reading this except for a few and all the others I've never talked/chatted to before in my life :P Oh well... I like writing this way more than RWHL.


I raised my eyebrow, staring flatly at Lily. "Do you hear yourself?"

Lily snorted and flipped her hair away from her face. "Of course, I hear myself. It's a bloody brilliant idea too, if I say so myself." She gave me another incredulous look. "What's so wrong with it?"

I'm surprised my eyebrows haven't disappeared into my hair, since they were so high at the moment.

"Lils," I sighed. "if you want Derek to notice you, just go up to him and talk to him. It's simple and easy; plus no one gets hurt if you do it this way, too."

"What?" Lily screeched, spinning around so fast I'm surprised she didn't fall over. "That'll just make me seem desperate!"

Seriously, I really think that I should win an award for being so good with my self-restraint. I've only rolled my eyes seventeen times since Lily got here. Don't tell anyone, but I think it's a record.

Back to my agonizingly, boring life, I should probably tell all you guys what my dear cousin has been babbling about for the last hour and a half. You think I'm exaggerating? Just look at the bags under my eyes! They're horrible!

Back again to my story, again, Lily's been rambling on about what she could do to catch the attention of Derek, a fourth year Hufflepuff that was dreamy. Literally, he has the British accent and the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

Screw Scorpius, I sometimes find myself thinking; I want him instead.

But then I wouldn't be a very good cousin if I was to steal her life-long crush.

That would just be rude.

And I have never been rude before in my life. Well, that's a teensy lie. Once in first year, I locked Scorpius' legs together because... he was annoying me. Don't judge! I was young and foolish back then.

Also ignore the time I locked Scorpius in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom... when she was crying... after I told her that Scorpius thought she was ugly.

I'm so cruel.

Sometimes I'm surprised that I'm not in Slytherin. Dom tells me that I'm too nice. Pssh, I'm not nice; I'm a horrible person. I bet I could be the next Voldemort if I wanted. I doubt Uncle Harry would like me very much then, though. But why would I care? I'd be worse than Volda-freaking-mort!

They'd call me Lord Rosie Red Cheeks.

Only thing I have left to do for that is perfect my villain laugh. Right now it sounds like a cat drowning. Dom told me... time after time after time. But she's nice, I swear. She's just a tad blunt at times.

Ok, now I'm getting back to the present.

"And when would you ever sound desperate?” I asked sarcastically, waving my hands around a bit.

Her emerald green eyes widened, and she exclaimed, “Don’t be sarcastic, Rose. This is really serious! I actually like him. Just because you don’t like anyone, doesn’t mean that other people don’t and I would really appreciate your help trying to get him to like me back as more than a friend.”

I took those final few steps in between me and Lily and I grabbed her wrists with my own hands and held them tightly. “Calm down, Lils. I’ll help you, but I’m not doing anything outrageous.”

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