Chapter Four- Young, Wild, & Free... Stupid Muggles

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Chapter 4... that was fast ;P I saw the Avengers and it was gooooooood! That's it... for now... Oh yeah, just look at that cover! It's beautiful <3 So thanks to @wendythestoryteller for making it!

FAN && VOTE && COMMENT Thank you <3 Anything you recognize belongs to JKR.


I could feel the ever growing jealousy clawing at my chest. Watching with baited and angry eyes, I saw Scorpius carefully holding her arm, making sure she was okay. He looked around, his pale, blonde hair shining in the light.

I held my breath, making sure my hair covered me.

But, you know, having red hair didn't really help my case either. I used my hair to hide my face partly, slowly getting up and walking to the back of the cafe and pretending that I needed some napkins.

Suddenly, Scorpius spotted me and his pretty, grey eyes filled relief at the sight of me and my obvious hair color. Mutttering something incoherant to Christy, he jogged over to me.

I felt my stomach flip, filled with butterflies. Thoughts ran through my head, beginning to give me a headache. Did I brush my teeth this morning? Does my hair look okay? Oh Merlin, what if something was in my teeth?

He finally reached me and ran a hand through his hair. "Hey, Rose." said Scorpius. "Did you just see that?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, but no."

Of course, I did.

"Someone just tripped her!" he exclaimed, obviously frusterated.

“Really?” I questioned, my eyes going wide with innocence while guilt squirmed in my stomach, almost as strong as the butterflies from just moments before.

Scorpius nodded.

I gave a shrug of my shoulders and sent him a look. “Why’re you here with her, anyway?” I asked, hoping that it didn’t sound as vicious and jealous as I felt.

“Oh, we were at my house, just hanging out, and we got hungry. Not wanting to make anything ourselves, we just came here.” He stated, glancing back fondly at her.

I gritted my teeth, wanting nothing more than to go over and thump that blasted girl on her pretty little head. At the moment, I wanted nothing more than to go home and curl back up under my covers, safe from anything in the world.

“Cool.” I forced out through my teeth.

He nodded, turning back to me and sending me a small grin. “I see some guy over there, he your boyfriend?” Scorpius asked.

I froze for a split-second, biting my lip.

If I said no and Dom just dragged me along, then I would seem like I was never busy and no one liked me, but if I said yes, then that would just be creating hell for me. I looked over at Christy once more.

Smiling sweetly, I replied, “Nah, that’s Dom’s newest boy toy.” He grinned at me before I continued on, causing his grin to falter slightly. “My boyfriend is really busy so he couldn’t make it.”

Yeah, he’s busy not existing.

“Cool.” Scorpius nodded, his eyes going cool for a second before returning to normal. “Listen,” he said. “I got to get back to Christy, but it was nice meeting up with you, though.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2012 ⏰

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