Chapter Three- Dom, My Freaky Cousin

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I just want to say thank you to everyone who comments and votes on this story <3 Even those silent readers <3 It really means a lot! Anything you recognize is J.K. Rowlings...


I could feel someone shaking me, moving my shoulders back and forth in a rough fashion. I grumbled some harsh words at them, keeping my eyes closed. Whoever was shaking me still didn't stop so I let my hand fly out and not even three seconds later, I heard a smacking sound.

Three seconds later I felt some hand smack me straight back in the face. "Ow!" I screeched, sitting up and opening my bleary eyes. "What in bloody hell is your problem!?" I snapped, looking around for the culprit.

"You were the one who slapped me first!" A feminine voice exclaimed.

I whipped my head around, my red hair flying around making it even messier than it was probably before. "What...?"

I saw Dom standing in the corner of my room, flipping through some Muggle magazines she must have bought earlier in the summer. Her shiny, blonde hair was straightened into perfection, a plus of being part Veela.

She sent me a flat look and said, "When you were waving your arms around like an idiot... you smacked me in the face."

I grimaced. "Sorry 'bout that."

Dom rolled her pretty, blue eyes and mock glared at me, though the image was lightly ruined by the fact that a smile was fighting to overcome her face. In return I stuck out my toungue at her and shook my head in a teasing fashion.

"You're so mature." She commented, picking at her chipped nails.

I glanced down at my dirty, plain nails. I really needed to get them re-done, but then as I recalled the torture I went through when Lily did my nails the first time, I decided I could maybe wait or even sneak out to go to a Muggle nail salon.

"I know," I said, my voice completely serious though I knew my eyes would easily betray my actions. "I should be in Ravenclaw, I'm so damn serious and smart."

"Nah," Dom commented, flopping down on my bed while her hair stayed in it's immaculate shape... like always. "Ravenclaws are boring. That's why 'ol Minne always chooses other Heads."

I nodded in reply and laid my head back down.

Three seconds later I heard Dom screech out loudly, making me think that her voice had broken my ear drums for a second there.

"What?" I snapped, looking over at her.

"I remember why I came in here!" She exlclaimed, clapping her hands together. "We're going shopping so get your fat arse out of bed and ready in five minutes. Chop chop!"

I groaned but nonetheless got out of bed, recalling the last time I ignored Dom's orders. I shivered just thinking about it; before that I had never heard Dom scream so loudly. I walked into my bathroom, yes my bathroom, and I glanced at myself in the mirror.

Thank Merlin for makeup.

I quickly straggled a brush through my hair until it was smooth and sleek, the result of using some very expensive shampoo and conditioner that I only convinced Mum and Dad to buy because I whined about my "condition" and how my hair would look horrible without the hair stuff.

I threw on some light makeup like I always do; just putting on some mascara and and some clear lipgloss that Lily had managed for me to buy a few weeks back, claiming that I needed to "girly up" before I returned to Hogwarts.

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