Where to Go Now?

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Callum stood there for what felt like an hour gobsmacked by the castle that, apparently, weren't ruins.

A boy with a green scarf came over, her blue eyes studying him for a second before smiling at him kindly.

"Hi. Where are your parents?"

"Um, they're at home." Callum muttered suddenly realizing the stupidity of what he had done. He just waltzed over here, not expecting anything bad to happen. Are they going to kidnap me?

The older boy blinked. "That's new. I'm not going to kidnap you." Callum realized he said that out loud and felt himself grow red. "But you should probably go back to your parents... they might be worried, after all."

"B-but, what about this place? It didn't look like it got remodeled a few minutes ago! And what are you doing here?"

"Ah." Aaron got ready to use his smooth-talking skills that he didn't use very often. "See, our parents are here too. They're actually exploring this place for the reasons that you just saw. It could be some sort of radio waves or other sciencey stuff that-"

Callum spotted something him. Aaron caught this and looked behind him to where he was looking.

It was a second year Ravenclaw who was using the floating spell on a stack of books, oblivious to the muggle staring at her in a mixture of shock and awe.

Callum glared at Aaron, now knowing that he was lying. "What is this place?"

Aaron pinched his nose and prayed that the teachers wouldn't find out about this. "Okay, I'm about to tell you something that you should never talk about outside of this place."


"What the heck is taking so long?" Alecia muttered, shifting weight from each foot.

"Maybe he's tough to convince?" Louise asked, nervously.

"I'm not sure about it." Matilda muttered.

The two boys walked back towards the other three.

Aaron rubbed his neck. "I... told him everything."

No one moved.

"Wha-?" Alecia looked like she was going to be sick.

"You're kidding." Louise said, hoping that was a joke.

"Why would you do that?" Matilda asked Aaron who, she now considered to be a moron.

Aaron threw his arms in the air. "There was someone over there using the wingardium leviosa spell! What was I supposed to do?! I panicked."

Matilda decided that she would take back that assumption, for now.

"Why would you even lie about this? It's so cool!" Callum exclaimed, excitedly.

"Well, at least he's not panicking. What's your name?" Alecia asked, attempting to act calm.

After the introductions, they all debated on what they were supposed to do.

"Should we just take him to Professor McGonagall?" Matilda threw out.

"She would remove the memories of Callum being here." Aaron reminded her.

"I don't want my memories erased!" Callum cried, clutching his head. "I want to remember this." He looked at each of them pleadingly.

"Can't resist the look on his face. Any ideas?" Matilda asked.

"Our dormitory?" Louise asked.

"That's stupid. What about your dorm mates?" Alecia replied.

"What about the Room that Shows What We Want?" Aaron suggested.

Alecia face palmed. "Why didn't I think of that? That's perfect."

"Now to sneak him in." They looked at the large castle which housed hundreds of students, not including the staff themselves. "That's going to be a bit difficult."

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