Chapter 3 : Class Trial pt. 2

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".... Fuyu never expected that Koremi-chan herself that plotting the murder scheme.... Oh, well, just press on ahead" said Inari suddenly says, totally changed the vibe of the trial.

Fujimura glanced hesitantly toward the actress "I-is it really okay to accept the situation so easily?" ask the exorcist.

"Well, what fuyu mean is that's not what important, the important things is that assumption is the most rational among the other assumption regarding this case" the actress replied.

"But before that, when Koremi start to make that blade? and how? my question still not answered because been interrupted by Inugami" Ask Victor confused.

Gomiko glanced at the lumberjack and frowned "perhaps she already prepared that even before the motive been spreads by monokuma... perhaps during the times that Fujiwara tell us about Super High-school Level Despair... perhaps she prepared the blade to counter if something bad might happens and hid the blades on school building"

"The duralumin case come from art room storage, perhaps she hid the blade there, and i remember on the night before the motive been released by Monokuma i visit the cafetaria to make some milk tea... when i was on kitchen i noticed that some knife are lost... perhaps Koremi took that to make the blades" said Fujimura rubbing her chin, recalled about what happened in past few days ago.

"If you know something like that you should tell us earlier you know that!" Victor snarled at the exorcist.

The exorcist simply glanced at the lumberjack and gives him a cold looks "I just don't want to make unnecessary ruckus since the atmosphere is really bad back then."

"I think what Fujimura did was right, back then the tense is feel bad because we suspect each other for being a part of Super High-school Level Despair, if she tell us that information, i can't imagine how the class would turnout" said Fubuki defending Fujimura. Victor are about to replied but he scrap the idea and become silent.

Nizakuro cleared her throat "So, are we clear with this contradiction? We should continue to find the bastard who kill Ishikawa and Koremi" she said.

Killurami interrupted "But, there's still a mystery regarding this topic that still unclear, is it really okay to proceed?"

Ayaka turned her face to Killurami "About what?"

Killurami frowned "About the notes, let's say that Koremi is the one who planning a murder, then she get killed by her target instead of her kills them... It's don't make a sense if the supposedly victim and now become the culprit left their notes on the crime scene... They should take the notes to make their deeds remain untraceable, but this contradict the condition which shows us that the victim is actually Koremi, how you can explain this contradiction?" 

I replied before Ayaka could answer, the reason why the culprit purposely make this kind of scene is... "I think it's a trap that been set up by the culprit for us... they purposely make the scene which can tell that Koremi is the "pure victim"so they could lead the opinion during class trial to frame the one who had a weak alibi"

"What do you mean?" ask Fubuki frowned.

"That's totally insane theory, you midget bastard!" Nizakuro exclaimed

Gomiko nodded "I think what Fujiwara said is related to the next issue on Koremi dead body, even though what he said is confusing, but there's also another fact that the culprit tried as hard as they can to make us didn't learnt" said the sniper.

Inugami smirk "Ah i see, another mystery regarding her true death cause right? It's still unclear until now"

Gomiko nodded to the calligrapher artist "Just like Inugami says, from a further investigation during investigation last minutes, just like Ayaka had said before, that we learn the true death cause of Koremi, it's from stabbing through the liver that fatally wound her... the culprit tried as hard as they can to prevent us to learnt the death cause, if they don't tried to bend our opinion, why don't they just left her with the wound and chose to hang her?" 

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