Chapter 5 : Class Trial pt.2

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The confusing class trial continued, i had a very bad feeling regarding this class trial... The discussion still stuck at Inugami involvement on Nizakuro and his own murder, my classmate continuing the argument, Fujimura is the one who starts the argument.

"Well, according to the clues we collect this far, there's no doubt that Inugami is involved in his own murder.... that left us with the next problem" said the exorcist.

Inari glanced at Fujimura with curious looks "Uhh... next problem?" 

Ayaka quickly responded "I think what Fujimura said is, now it's the time to figuring out the death cause, isn't that right, Fujimura?" the psychic girl glanced at Fujimura, who replied in nodded.

And then Victor clenched his fist "Yosh! It's been decided, most likely, there's a fight between Inugami and Nizakuro after Inugami summons her at the greenhouse, maybe Nizakuro already suspecting that Inugami might attack her so she prepared the knife as defense measure if Inugami starts something funny" said the lumberjack.

"It seems you're really confident, Onyx, well, let's hear the rest of your theory" said Fujimura as she crossed her arm.

Victor simply snorts, it seems he's not impressed with Fujimura who interrupt him with his deduction, he cleared his throat before he continue "And then, when they met each other, Inugami tried to kill Nizakuro, with the knife that he already prepared before, the two clashed and ended up get stabbed by each other" said the lumberjack, explaining his theory proudly.

"No, that's wrong!" i quickly had a rebuttal, the lumberjack shocked as he looking at me 

"What are you talking about? Then, how could there's two knife on their body?" ask the lumberjack, as he got nervous when his theory are being doubted.

I pointing my finger "Well, it's not like that i want to put you into a corner, but... there's something odd if your theory was true" i said directly toward the lumberjack.

Victor tried to retaliate "Something odd? Like what? are you trying to said that Inugami kill himself?"

I simply shook my head "It's isn't like that, Vic, but according to our discoveries on this case, there's a big hole on our condition right now" 

"Can you prove it? If you're so confident, you should be able to explain that" said the lumberjack, start to get his tantrum.

I smiled kindly "Chill down Vic, i will explain, calm yourself, there's nothing to be angry about... Well this is about the bruise that we found on Nizakuro-san dead body... from where that bruise come from if Nizakuro-san and Inugami-san tried to kill each other like you said earlier, can you explain that?"

It seems my argument hit him really hard, as he looks confused and can't find a words

"Well... that's... uuh..." he still can't make a words to counter my argument.

I tipping my hat as i starts to think again and speak "And if they stabbed each other like Vic said, and assuming that as what actually happened, the most possible things to explain the bruise on Nizakuro-san head is by assuming that Inugami was failed to kill Nizakuro-san with the knife, so he decide to kill her with the rubble, or knock her unconscious so she'll die because of blood lose..."

Ayaka nodded "If you think it that way, that scenario are really make a sense, then what next, Fujiwara?" 

"If Inugami-san was the one who give Nizakuro-san the bruise on her head after he got stabbed like Vic said... then... the rubble that's been used to hit Nizakuro-san head is on the outside of the greenhouse, he must be left some blood stain if he left the greenhouse to get the rubble back and forth, but we can't find any blood stain on the greenhouse or on fifth floor corridor" i ended my explanation. 

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