Spring 2016

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- My mom is working, we can sleep at my place, I tell Chris.

It's the first time we spend the night together. I'm a bit giggly of that, and of the wine he so generously poured to me. It's late, and we are tired and drunk after the party, Chris wants to take a taxi. The May night is chilly, inside the car the air is warm. Chris leans on me, he's also very drunk, he's ways unusually mild and almost romantic. He kisses me gently, liking the spot on my lip that makes me go crazy. His hand is on my tight, and it goes up up up. My skin under his fingers. He's now under my skirt, he's pressing my G-string out of the way. He's fingers are inside of me! I'm wet, eagerly welcoming him, and when he finds the good spot I'm just shivering. All too soon the taxi pulls to my drive way and we get out. I am waiting for more.

But while I find the spare toothbrush for Chris, he's soundly a sleep. I can't but climb right next to him, and finger myself to a relief.

At the noon, Chris wakes me up. He's fully dressed, his hair wet from the shower.

- Eva, I have to go now. We have to fix something on the bus. Have a nice day, my little luremus.

- Chris! You can't call ME a tease! Not after last night. I had expectations! And you just past out. I had to take care of it myself.

- Auts! That's really not good for my image. I'll make it up to you, babe, I promise.

- A tease!

A couple of weeks pas, Williams dickhead brother is doing everything he possibly can to ruin Williams romance with Noora. I have to text to Chris: "Do you know what the hell is going on with William?? He's not answering Noora!!!". And right away, my phone rings.

- William is shit right now. He just can't cope with this Nikolai stuff. A long story. After a while, he might be able to start thinking and feeling again. Just now, he can't give Noora anything. I can't get in touch with him either. It's not about Noora. He's not angry. He's nothing.

- Sound completely crazy.

- It is.

- But where is he?

- I know he went to London. His dad lives there. William has examinations tomorrow, maybe he shows up.

- Ok?

- And there's one thing. I don't think William ever told Noora. He should do it him self, but she needs to know. So, William has always been planning to move to London when he graduates. Study economics, work with his dad. Mainly to get hell out of that ghost house at Vika and get rid of Nikolai.

- Oh, shit.

- But Eva, are you doing something special? Would you like to hooke up?

- Aren't you having exams tomorrow?

- Yes, yes. I've done with studying, babe. I need to chill.

- Chill? Or hook?

- Can I come to your place? Please, pretty baby?

- You can come. To chill.

Later that evening we are licking each other's faces on my bed. Chris pulls me of so that he can look in to my eyes. Eva, now I'm not a tease. Are you? I feel like my heart is stopping. We are sober, there's no excuses. I want him so badly. No, I'm not a tease. And I tell it to him.

When Penetrator Chris penetrates me, his dick is so hard and gentle and touching all my secret spots. I moan, he groans, and the stars sing. He's so big, strong over me, muscles in his over arms pumping. He slips his fingers through mine, and I watch how sweat is dripping from his forehead and chest just before. He screams and falls over me, so that I can feel his full weight. Just a little while, before he pulls out, and takes of the condom.

- So, this is how you prepare for your exams?

- Well. Let's see tomorrow, if it was a good idea. Might be I'll only think of this. At least I'm very relaxed now. Are you happy?

- Very happy. Exactly what I wanted.

- I like that we are getting such good friends.

- Friends with benefits.

- Yes, friends with benefits.

And we kiss.

Friday 27th May 2016

I call Chris in panic.

- Where are you? Are you whit William? Noora called me, and William had broken up with her, and then the line went dead, and I can't...

- Breath, Eva, Relax. William is very busy kissing Noora. He came back. Everything's fine. Relax.

- Oh. Wow. I have to tell the girls.

I inform the chat, that Noora needs a bit time to reunite. My phone rings.

- They are inside Noora's flat now. For a while I was afraid that they would just undress in the middle of the street.

- I'm just so happy. It's been horrible to watch Noora.

- Believe me, William has had it a thousand times worse. He's been crushing my place, just trying to imagen, that nothing of this ever happened... Silent and angry as hell. But Eva, I was going to take William to the airport - now I don't have anything to do. Let's go swimming. There's this place at Bygdøy, where me and William used to go for skinny dripping. I'll pick you up. What do you say?

Friday 3rd June 2016

I sit by myself on William's roof terrace, enjoy the sun on my face, the wind in my hair, watching the party people getting more cozy, talking in low voices now. Chris takes a place by my side.

- Good party, huh? Any hooking? I ask him.

- Not that much for me, but William and Noora are right now shagging for the first time, I guess.

- Wow! About the time! How do you know?

- I was trying to shag Sara, but William claimed the bedroom. Obviously Noora had requested some action.

- So what happened with Sara?

- I donno. She wasn't that interested, I guess. Just disappeared when we got interrupted.

- Oh you poor boy!

- And I hooked with William! Just check my insta! But, if you want to pity me, I'm all yours. William isn't interested in anything more, that's for sure.

- I haven't seen you at all. We could have danced, or something.

- Well, you were busy with that hipster ex of your's and his new girlfriend. Thought, maybe you guys had a threesome going on.

We laugh, and then we kiss, and laugh some more. Chris puts his hand around my waist, and whispers

- Come, spend the night at my place. Tomorrow, we take my boat and head to the fjord.

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