Roberto update//Piano lessons

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Uhm quick update on Roberto. Turns out he was a Roberta... Yeah that's where I draw the line. I will not have a whole shit ton of baby spiders crawling in my basement. Yes, I love spiders, but do I love baby ones? No. There's so many of them and to have them all in your basement *cringes* That one is a big no. It wouldn't even be different if it was my garage. I walk in there barefoot!
So last night or somewhere around there, my dad went do to take a shower and killed her. He told me she had an egg sack... She went down the drain of the shower and I was really reluctant to go down and take a shower cause I thought all of these baby spiders would just crawl up from the drain...(no joke I actually thought this even though they probably all would've drown) So at that point I didn't care if my dad killed her.

RIP Roberta, and you disgusting egg sack I'll rarely miss you now because of this. See you never again

So now for the actual reason I'm updating, I'm finally starting up my piano lessons again! The lady who is teaching me loves and I mean loves Queen! I'm so excited, I can't wait. It makes it even better because she loves the music You And I listen to.

AnyWho, ✌️❤️ and Ringo Starr

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