I said i wouldnt do it

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Chapter 2
If you were to ask me about how I looked at drugs and suicide I would've said its all a big joke.
But until your looking at the positives they bring it isn't so much a joke. Using drugs isn't just to show off and have some cool name it's too take the pain away the pain that people have coursed. People ask me am I okay I agree and say yeah I'm fine but if they really knew who I am define fine..
Losing your dad and mum is the hardest thing anyone could ever go through being adopted isn't even a good thing why couldn't I die with my parents. If I was to wish for anything it would be to have my family back. I don't remember much about my parents I remember that my dad was a good cook and my mum was a good singer but that's about it.
I sit alone and think about how much I could've changed but what can I do now I'm alone with no where to go no family left to run to when I need help. If you were to ask me what I am it's a simple answer I'm a lost child.
As I get up every morning all I ever think about is how my mum and dad are looking over me while I'm this massive mess.
I can't help what I've become or how I've changed but I know I need help but I don't have money for that kind of help. Taking the pain away by using what I have to use and doing what I have to do. It's just a big blur. We all die some just die earlier the others.

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