Fairytales arent real

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Chapter 3
My dad used to read me the Cinderella story. Just if there was a happy ending to all story's. Just before bed my dad would make me a warm milo and read me a story book it was always about a prince and a princess. The prince would do anything for this princess just to keep her happy. Just if this happened to me for real why can't I find myself a nice prince I wouldn't mind living in a castle with a massive backyard and all these type of Guards. I wouldn't mind being a pretty princess just belongs there's no pink I'll be fine. Glitter is acceptable but back to my father. My father loved me like no men could he showed me what love is like. When my dad died it was like I just lost my prince no one lost a glass slipper this time. I woke up to myself and thought what am I doing fairy tales aren't real why am I making out as if they are real.
I learnt that fairy tales are only for little kids with big dreams because when you grow up your life is more then some fairytale.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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