Chapter Three: Sweet Serendipity

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Arthur drove fast back to their house.

I can’t believe that my plans failed! Our son is beyond worst Arthur!

I think we need to surrender Hilary… we can’t fight with God. Let him do whatever he wants.

No! No! No! I’m willing to do even the worst things for our son! To stop his illusions!

               Then the carter’s arrived in their house while summer is sitting on their couch waiting.

Hilary! (Run to the door). Im sorry to disappoint you… our plans fail, I can’t believe that he done that to me? All the guys out there? They didn’t ignore me… but your son? He’s nothing but a gay!

Dear Summer… don’t give up! I’m willing to do everything for you to marry my son! I promise! I’m on your side. Mark my work honey…

But how? Travis is now gone… we don’t know where you goes!

How can you forget the power I have summer? I can find him even he hides in the South Pole!

Stop saying something Hilary… I’m very embarrassed with what your son did! Find him and let him marry me!  (Walk out).

Meanwhile… Travis goes to the St. Joseph church and talks to reverend Arch…

Hey… Travis… I’m glad you visit!

Can we talk father?

Oh sure come inside my office…

Father I want to be like you… I think I have his calling, I hope that it’s not too late for me.

How sure you are son? If you want to be like us you have to let go the things that you’ve used to. You’re a carter you grew up with everything for a guy like you I know that it would be hard.

Father it wouldn’t be hard from the start I knew that I need to let go all the things that I have and live in a simple life. I’m ready since then.

I guess you already made your decision. I will recommend you first at Lord’s Shepherd Seminary it is near at the Hudgens Street. I will make a letter to the missionaries there and he will take charge of everything.

Thank you so much father… but I have a problem I need to settle things first before I enter the seminary.

And what is that my son?

I escaped in our house. I knew at this very moment they are chasing me. Mom and Dad didn’t want me to be a priest I guess you know the reason father.

Travis you need to settle things up. Seminary is not the place to hide it’s not good if you still have unsettled business outside. You need to be at ease when you enter there. You need to talk things first with your parents.

But father please? Can you help me? I want to do this… they want me to marry the girl that I don’t want. Please help me.

We can help you but… we will lie? You know your parents they have connections and there’s no doubt that they will find you there. The reputation of the seminary will put into question. really I want to help you but not this way. Maybe you can hide at Therese house… she is one of the volunteer here on our church when we are doing some charitable missions. Maybe you can meet her and told her what I have said that.

Therese? Therese Stringers?

Yeah! She is… you know her?

Yeah I know her I met her back then.

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