Chapter Eight: The Big Event

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                                          The sun rays strikes the face of Therese that morning that causes to wake up. When she opens her eye she saw blurred this that came in to a vivid vision. She saw a lady sitting beside the bed. She has long and curly brown hair on the end of  it… her face looks like an angel… while she’s looking in the lady beside her… the lady smiles to her and hold her hand.

“hi… Therese… are you feeling ok now? It’s been two days since you’re lying in that bed. You open your eyes sometimes but you didn’t talk.”

“do you know me? Where I’am… I need to go home… I know my brother needs me now..”.

“ssshhh… stop… stop worrying everything is alright now….”.

“Who are you and how did you find me? I know that the guys put me on a drum and thrown me on the river… it will be hard for someone to find me…”.

“I’m Marissa…. Don’t worry too much my friend… for now… you need to take a rest for you to be strong when you fight back to all the people who did this to you”.

“(sit slowly on the bed)… Marissa? Do you have a phone… I need to call my brother now… please”.

“Therese just relax ok? Wait for me… I’ll gonna bring you some food for breakfast”.

“(taking to herself) Marissa? Who is she? This the first time that I saw her… she looks nice, pretty and intelligent… maybe we’re on the same age… but…. How did she find me? And why did she is talking care of me? I don’t have any idea about this one… I’am very worried with my brother… I know that he is having a hard time to find me… oh God please guide him…”.

                                Meanwhile Amanda find a free time for her to go to new Hampshire and try to find her long lost family… inside the car she’s on a disguise for her not to be recognized. She’s a well known superstar. She is wearing a jacket with some fur on it… she pull her hair back wearing a hat and a sun glasses.

“Jan… I’m nervous while we’re getting nearer… it’s a mix emotion… I don’t know… I’m excited with the fact that I’ll gonna see my family but feeling nervous at the same time… what if they will not recognized me… or what if they still living on a poor life… gosh… I felt bad… while I’m having a wealthy life style? They are… no… I don’t know what to say”.

“Amanda… relax! We will find them ok? And they will strikingly welcome you with open arms ok?”.

“oh… bothered… I hope so… oh! That’s our house! That’s our house! But? It all burned out?” (The two go out on the car and ask the people around).

“excuse me? Miss I’m Jan… we are finding this persons… Nelly and Jat Stringers?”.

“Oh… sir… they died few months ago… they got trapped on their burning house…”

“oh my…. (Amanda is on shocked and looking to Jan).

“but they have a children right miss? Do you know where they are?”.

“oh… I know them sir Therese and Jerson… they moved in to another house after the accident… I believe that they renting a house near the market, maybe you should ask the people around the market they will answer all your questions sir”.

“oh… miss thank you so much for the information”.

“that’s fine…”.

“Amanda don’t lose hope ok? We’re getting nearer to your siblings”.

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