Chapter 3

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"Mama! Look there's another one!" The little girl screamed in delight. It was a crisp but sunny day in early April and sitting outside with a pitcher of ice cold lemonade and two slices of apple tart was Belle and her girl.

"Aren't they pretty Violet?" Her mother smiled looking at her. Even though she was barely out of her teens Belle had a face that was lined with wisdom beyond her years.

Violet nodded giddily and looked back up at the butterflies around them. They were in the little backyard of their new house in their new town. A little bungalow from the 50s that Belle had saved all of her waitressing money for. The old woman who sold it to her felt sorry for her predicament so sold it to her for cheap.

Violet began to run towards the butterflies that were making there way down the hill to the back of the garden where the river was. She pretended that she could fly with them and reach the sky like they did.

"Violet be careful now and don't go near the water!" Belle shouted before lying back on the grass. It was her first day off in nearly two weeks. All she wanted to do was sleep.

Violet stopped running. The butterflies kept going past the river but something was wrong. At the edge of the bank was a man. He was tall and pale and had all black on. That's awfully funny Violet thought. In springtime you were supposed to wear bright pretty colors. Like the lilacs and lemons her mama dressed her in.

She couldn't help but giggle at him even though she was scared. It was sort of a defense mechanism of hers. When scared giggle.

The man turned around as soon as the sound escaped from her lips. His face was rather ugly Violet thought. He had a huge scar all down his right eye and he had this strange mark on his forehead.

"You alright mister?" Violet asked shakily. Even though her mother had always told her to speak up she felt a little nervous around strangers, especially this one.

He looked at her perplexedly for a moment before breaking out into a dark grin.

"Oh I am now." He snarled with a dark tone to his voice. A shiver went down Violets spine.

Belle was woken up by a scream that split her soul in two.

June 6th 10:30 pm

Okay I have to admit it. Poppy threw one hell of a party. There's over 200 people alone at Poppys mansion of a house in the rich side of town. Honestly I couldn't fully understand how she did it.

I had thought that everything was last minute but apparently not. It had been a very well thought out plan for nearly 6 weeks now. She had ordered a caterer to make seemingly endless amounts of mini burgers and wings and Cajun style wedges and all manners of my favorite foods.

In the center of the huge open plan space a DJ was making sure that tunes were blaring at all times and that there wasn't a quiet moment to think. Everywhere was dark with fluorescent and neon lights lighting the house giving the party a very night club vibe.

All around me teenagers drinking, talking and giving each other STDs. As I make my way towards the kitchen I catch sight of myself in the huge hallway mirror. I'm wearing a black velvet bustier dress and my blonde hair is in beautiful curls with pieces framing my face. I look different than usual, more ethereal. All thanks to Poppy I might add.

After announcing her plans of a massive party she had whisked me away to her house for an intense 7 hour getting ready session. Nails, facials, scrub, hair mask, blow dry and style, makeup though I insisted on far less than she had originally planned.

I push past some kids from my year and all offer me congratulations on my 18th. I'm surprised they recognize me. In my year I'm in the popular crowd by association. Although I don't share the same hard core partying traits I'm considered pretty and am best friends with the King and Queen so I was considered acceptable with the group.

I'm making my way into the kitchen to look for Poppy when a guy steps out from the shadows of the doorway and blocks my path. I look up about to ask him to move when I stop. His olive skin which contrasted strikingly to his gorgeous grey eyes seems to sparkle beneath the fluorescent lighting . My breath hitches.

"Mason." I breathed out shakily forcing myself to look him in the eye. After what that bastard had put me through I was not about to let him intimidate me into not looking at him.

That would mean he'd win.

"Hi Vi." He smiled at me and I felt my heart melt all over again. Snap out of it girl! He broke your heart remember?

"What are you doing back in town Mason? Your daddy finally have enough of you in Chicago?" I snapped back as coldly as I could muster.

He laughed a hearty booming laugh and looked back down at me. He always managed to make me painfully aware of the fact that my 5 foot 3 inches was nothing compared to his 6 foot.

"You never did hold back did you Vi. I came back to finish off senior year here and-" he bent down close to her and she felt her muscles freeze. As smooth as glass he pushed some of her hair behind her ear and whispered "I missed my lil cannibal."

She felt herself blush a deep crimson between the awkward memory of trying to get adventurous and ending up with that nickname and the anger that she could feel bubbling inside of her.

How dare he come back with his sweet words and joking manner and expect her to come running to him.

He was the one who had left. He was the one who gave up on them in a heartbeat and broke my heart without an explanation. Fuck him.

"Well Mason." I smile sweetly . "All I have to say is this: Do me a favor and never touch me again you egotistical self-righteous dick."

And without waiting for him to answer I turned on my heels and stomped off to be lost in the crowd.

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