Chapter 6

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It was -5 outside and Violet stared longingly at the mounds of snow that coated her neighborhood. She could run out for half a minute to make one snow angel and her mother wouldn't have to know.

"Don't even think about it Vi." Flo said from an armchair. Shoot Violet had thought that she was asleep.

"You know you can't get anything past me you little monkey. I have you caught before you do it." She looked at her wristwatch and jumped up.

"Shit. Belle was supposed to be home an hour ago." She runs to the special closet and gets out a shotgun, 2 vials of holy water and this dark purple paste.

"Vi come here to me and take off your sweatshirt." The little girl takes off her sweatshirt leaving her in a tshirt with her arms bare. Flo begins to draw symbols on her arms. Ancient runes of protection, strong and very powerful if used correctly.

With every design she draws Violet feels warmth surge into her despite the freezing weather.

A blue truck pulls up outside. In less than a minute Belle is inside the house muttering incantations and waving her hands in an intricate dance. Her hands were bloody and her jacket was ripped.Without a prompt Flo stood up and started mirroring Belles movements at the back of the house.

Violet knew what they were doing. She had learned some of these spells the week before with her mother. She stood up and started to copy the two older women.

So all three women spent the next three hours covering their home in protective spells. Not even the five armies of hell could get through it when they were done.

The woman stood up from the booth and started striding over to me her stilettos clicking along the tiles.

I close my eyes and start to pray to whatever god is up there. She's going to annihilate me. But instead of the expected ripping out of my throat or the snapping neck she pulls me into a hug.

"Oh my goodness how you have grown my dear little Violet." She croons holding on tightly to me. Despite the fact that she's probably a demon or monster of some sort the hug is welcomed. It's genuinely full of warmth.

"I'm sorry but I don't believe we've met before." I awkwardly say not trying to be rude. I have never met this woman in my life and yet she's treating me like an old friend.

Her laugh fills the air with a beautiful melody and she detaches from me. "Violet dear of course we've met before." She takes my hand and I'm surprised at how icy hers is and leads me to the booth.

We all sit down in silence and I see that my food has arrived. I begin to tuck into it because after all I hadn't eaten all morning and in dangerous situations I get extra hungry.

I'm half way through my second pancake when I'm aware of the lady's piercing blue eyes looking at me with earnest. I realize I don't actually know her name or what she is.

"I'm Katerina dear and I'm a vampire and before you ask yes I just read your mind it's a vampire thing but I promise not to do it again." She smiled brightly flashing me her pearly white fangs.

"Wow Kitty I've never seen you be this nice to someone before." Luke drawls beside me. Katerina drops her smile and glowers at him.

"I was just never that nice to you Raphael and who could blame me?"

"Wait your name is Raphael?" I turn to him. He looks at me with a scowl.

"Yes now shut the hell up and eat your damn pancakes we're leaving in ten minutes." He focuses his attention back to the bacon in his hand.

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