Chapter 4

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"Now remember Vi, you can't tell any of the kids at school about mama and Aunt Flo's special classes okay?" Flo said with as much of a stern face as she could muster.

"Inky pink." The 6 year old beamed holding out her little finger. Flo took it without hesitation and nodded at her. This was going to be Violets first lesson in the ancient art of her people. Flo had nagged at her best friend for months to finally begin some of Violets training.

"She needs to know Belle and needs to be trained or else she could lose control."

Belle didn't want her knowing anything. She wanted her to have a safe and free life away from all danger. That was the whole reason she left her people in the first place. She had to protect her baby at all costs.

But she knew no matter how hard she quelled it and no matter how much she denied the truth it was obvious what needed to be done. Violet would grow stronger by the day, stronger than any of them and when the day came that she needed to protect herself she had to be ready. She had already nearly been taken from her by an attack from a low level Docrasan. So Belle relented and agreed to teach her daughter the art.

An art that had nearly been destroyed thousands of times since the beginning of time.


Fuck him.

Fuck his abs. Fuck his hair. Fuck his eyes. Fuck his laugh. Fuck his adorable albeit gross inability to not laugh at farts.

Fuck it all.

In the space of about two minutes my mood had gone from exhilarated and happy and for once content with everything to fiery and dangerously angry.

This was going to end terribly if I didn't control it.

I just need to scream or stab someone or cry. I need to leave. Without a seconds hesitation I run to my bag in Poppys bedroom catching Michael Evans and Drake Brown in flagrante but I didn't care.

All I wanted to do was leave this house that he was in before I lost my temper and strange things would start.

As soon as I had my  purse I ran out of the house before anyone could stop me. I saw Poppy and Joshua practically having sex in a dark corner and wanted to avoid interrupting them. I'll explain in the morning why I had to leave.

I stomp my way out of the massive front door to be greeted with a cool and much needed breeze and the strange scent of sulfur.

I don't know why but the odious stench brought back something. I couldn't quite make it out, it was just a bad feeling deep down.

Without further delay I rush to my car to attempt to escape from my emotions and the smell.

The further I move away from the party the worse it gets. A shiver runs down my spine as I stop to open my car.

Someone's watching me.

I look up to see a reflection of a tall dark man in my car window.

I spin around as fast as I can to face him. My heart is pounding in my ears and I can feel my blood surge throughout my body.

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